compass arrows.

The Strategic Compass

…for an Even Better Tomorrow

President Marbach

Building the future of Georgian Court University starts now—and it is an ongoing, collaborative and proactive process.

That is one of the reasons we created The GCU Strategic Compass…for an Even Better Tomorrow, a plan that was designed from the outset to be re-examined, modified, and measured on a regular basis.

Our vision of “an even better” future for GCU is rooted in the sentiment shared more than 180 years ago by the foundress of the Sisters of Mercy, Catherine McAuley, whose motto was “Resolve to be good today, but better tomorrow.”

Nearly two centuries later, those words continue to ring true.

For Georgian Court, a better tomorrow is found in the four compass points focused on

  • Academic excellence;
  • An exceptional student experience;
  • Revenue generation and diversification; and
  • Operational efficiency/resource utilization

The GCU Strategic Compass…for an Even Better Tomorrow reflects our commitment to students and their futures.

Our key performance indicators, which we update annually here, reflect many, many efforts of the entire GCU community. Our focus on planning and delivering on our promises is reflected in another important document—the GCU Self-Study, prepared for the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

Together, these and other instruments help us navigate our future and keep us accountable. Everyone, no matter their role or job title, plays a part in our success as we move forward. Thank you for joining us on the journey.

Go Lions!

GCU president written signature.

Joseph R. Marbach, Ph.D.

Compass Point Scorecards