Hackensack Meridian School of Nursing and Wellness
Social Work
Office Location:
Office Hours:
Monday 11 AM – 2 PM on Cumberland Campus
Wednesday (Zoom by appointment) 10 AM – 3 PM
Educational Background
- Doctorate in Social Work (DSW), Capella University
- Masters in Social Work (MSW), Temple University
- Bachelor of Science in Corrections, York College of Pennsylvania
- Synchronous & Asynchronous Online Teaching, Temple University, PA
- Palliative & End of Life Care, Smith College, MA
- Family Therapy, Philadelphia Child Guidance Center, PA
- Administration of Case Management Services, Temple University, PA
Professional Experience
Georgian Court University, Lakewood, NJ
- BSW Program Director, Advisor, & Lecturer – Cumberland County (2021- Present)
- BSW Field Coordinator, Advisor, & Lecturer – Cumberland County (2021)
- Salem Community College
- Bloomsburg University
- Rutgers University
- Temple University
- Stockton University (3 years Visiting status)
- 10 years with Youth and Families
- 10 years with Housing Insecure, Severe Mentally Ill, and Addicted populations
- 20+ years in the Healthcare field.
Research / Creativity Interest Area
- “Instilling LGBT Cultural Humility in Geriatric Home Care Services: An Appreciative Inquiry.” (2018)
- Social Work in Health Care
- LGBTQ Older Adults
- Geriatric Health Services
- Self-Care of Caregivers
- Gerontology Curriculum Workgroup
- CSWE & AGESW work group to develop specialized practice curricular guide for Gero social work practice. 2015 EPAS Curricular Guide Resource Series (2017) http://www.cswe.org/CSWE/media/GeroEdResources/Gero_Guide_WEB_final_NewSite.pdf
- Called to testify before the Florida State Senate and House Subcommittees on Health and Families Services in support of Senate Bill 1622 and House Bill 1633; on providing quality Hospice services regardless of tax status (April 2005).