Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA)

Consumer Information in Compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA)
In accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act (Public Law 110-315) (HEOA), Georgian Court University presents the following consumer information. The law requires GCU to meet numerous federal reporting and disclosure requirements. It was enacted on August 14, 2008, reauthorizing the Higher Education Act of 1965.
The following includes links to references, reports, and additional details. If you need further information, please contact Dr. Michael Gross, associate provost for academic program development, at mgross@georgian.edu.
General Institutional Information
- Privacy of Student Records – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities , Accessibility [Disability] Services at GCU (GCU webpage)
- Student Diversity (from College Navigator) (click on Enrollment). Also: Among students enrolling as non-international first-time-in-college students in fall 2023 who listed race/ethnicity, 60% were White, 14% Hispanic, 18% Black, and 7% two or more races. 46% were low income, 33% were first generation college. Among students entering in fall 2021 (2022 and 2023 data not available), 58% identified as Roman Catholic, 11% as Protestant, and 31% as other.
- Price of Attendance (GCU Student Accounts webpage) (see also College Navigator) (click on Tuition)
- Net Price Calculator (GCU webpage)
- Refund Policy and Requirements for Withdrawal and Return of Federal Financial Aid: Undergraduate Financial Aid. Undergraduate Withdrawal. Graduate Financial Aid. Graduate Withdrawal.
- Textbook Information (Georgian Court Bookstore site)
- Educational Programs (GCU Academics webpage)
- Instructional Facilities
- Faculty
- Transfer of Credit, Credit for Prior Learning, and Articulation Agreements: Undergraduate, Graduate. (there are no graduate articulation agreements)
- Accreditation and Approval of Institution and Programs (Accreditations, or Accreditation Listing in Latest Catalog. State of New Jersey Licensure of Institution and Approved Program Offerings ( State of New Jersey Office of Secretary of Higher Education NJ Colleges and Universities listing by sector)
- Copyright Infringement — Policies and Sanctions (page 5 in Student Handbook, page 26 in Student Handbook, and GCU Copyright Policy InfoGuide webpage)
- Computer Use and File Sharing (IT Department’s Acceptable Use Policy GCU IT webpage, plus Academic Honesty Policy, Student Conduct on page 9 in Student Handbook)
- Student Activities (GCU Student Life webpage)
- Career and Job Placement Services (GCU Career Services webpage)
- Gainful Employment Disclosure Information (GCU Gainful Employment webpage)
- States Where Curriculum Meets Educational Requirements for Professional Licensure or
Certification. All programs in the list meet requirements in New Jersey. Information about other states is listed separately for each program.- Certified School Psychologist
- Director of School Counseling Services
- Licensed Professional Counselor
- Licensed Psychologist
- Nursing
- Principal
- Reading Specialist & Early Literacy Specialist
- School Administrator
- School Business Administrator
- School Counselor
- School Supervisor
- Social Worker (Bachelor’s or Master’s Level)
- Student Assistance Coordinator
- Teacher Education (Biling/Bicult, ECE, K6, K12, ESL, TOSD)
- Authorization to Operate in Other States: Effective February 2017, GCU became a member of NC-SARA, which means that GCU is authorized to offer its current distance education programs in states that are members of NC-SARA. The only state not in NC-SARA is California. GCU is exempt from California’s authorization requirements for the types of distance education GCU offers.
Student Financial Assistance
- Assistance from Federal, State, Local, and Institutional Programs: Undergraduate (see specifically Undergraduate Types of Financial Aid), Graduate. Institutional gift aid includes Georgian Court University merit, GCU need-based and incentive grants, endowed, athletic, dance, and/or honors scholarships.
- Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations (page 48 in Campus Safety Brochure/Annual Security Report)
- Student Loan Information (in Undergraduate Catalog or in Graduate Catalog; or, GCU Student Loans webpage)
- Statement on Use of Financial Aid for Study Abroad
Complaints: For complaints regarding FERPA, Student Conduct, Title IX, or for concerns / grievances / complaints about other matters:
Please refer to: Procedures for Student Grievances or Complaints. Also relevant: FERPA, Student Conduct (page 5 (including section on appeals) of Student Handbook), or Title IX (Title IX webpage). Students who have other concerns/grievances should follow the processes outlined on page 39 of the Student Handbook.
Complaints: Attempts to resolve complaints should always occur first using processes internal to GCU (see links above). For complaints about GCU that cannot be resolved by following the processes described through the above links, or for which those processes are not appropriate, contact:
- State of New Jersey, Office of the Secretary of Higher Education, P.O. Box 542, Trenton, NJ 08625-0542 or visit www.state.nj.us/highereducation/OSCHEComplaintInstructions.shtml
- GCU’s institutional accreditor, The Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 1007 North Orange St, 4th Floor, MB #166, Wilmington, DE 19801. Call 267-284-5011 or visit http://www.msche.org/
- For students taking GCU distance education courses in states other than New Jersey: Complaints about GCU are governed by the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA) policy, the full text of which can be found here: https://www.nc-sara.org/sara-student-complaints-0. After first attempting to resolve a complaint through GCU’s internal processes, non-California students should file their complaints with the SARA State Portal Entity for New Jersey: Eric Taylor, Esq. Director, Office of Licensure, New Jersey Office of the Secretary of Higher Education, P.O. Box 542, Trenton, NJ 08625-542. 609.984.3738. eric.taylor@oshe.nj.gov . Because California is not a member of SARA, California students should contact Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education http://www.bppe.ca.gov/enforcement/complaint.shtml, or https://oag.ca.gov/contact/consumer-complaint-against-business-or-company (Additional resource: Click here for a link of contacts for filing complaints for all states).
Teacher Preparation Program Report (Licensure Pass Rate Last Three Years)
Nursing Preparation Program Report (Licensure Pass Rate Last Three Years)
- NJ Board of Nursing List of NCLEX-RN Pass Rates by Quarter and by Institution (it is recommended that you view the entire year report (select quarter 4 for a given year and look at yearly total))
Health and Safety
- Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (page 41 in Campus Safety Brochure/Annual Security Report)
- Vaccination Policies (GCU Health Services webpage)
- Campus Security Policies, Campus Safety Brochure/Annual Security Reports, Crime Statistics and Crime Log (Campus Safety Brochure/Annual Security Report)
- Fire Safety Policies, Fire Statistics and Fire Log (page 78 in Campus Safety Brochure/Annual Security Report)
- Sexual Assault Policy (page 18 in Campus Safety Brochure/Annual Security Report)
- Emergency Operations Plan (GCU Emergency Operations Procedures)
Student Outcomes
- Retention Rates, Graduation Rates, Transfer Out Rates (Student Right-to-Know Act) (Multi-year data through Fall 2023). Retention Rates, Graduation Rates, Transfer Out Rates (Student Right-to-Know Act) (from College Navigator Site)
- Retention Rates, Graduation Rates for Students Receiving Athletically Related Student Aid (Student Right-to-Know Act) (select Georgian Court University for School, Overall for Sport, NJ for State, Conference and Year as all or choose year of interest). FGR is Freshman-Cohort Graduation Rate. ASR is Academic Success Rate.
- Satisfaction, Employment and Graduate School Plans (at time of Commencement ceremony): 2022 Undergraduate Students, 2022 Graduate Students, 2023 Undergraduate Students, 2023 Graduate Students
- Student Learning Assessment Plans and Reports, for the institution and by program
Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act
- Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data (type Georgian Court University in the name box)
Voter Registration Forms
- Download Voter Registration Forms from New Jersey Department of State Division of Elections
Related Links
Contact Info
Georgian Court University
900 Lakewood Avenue
Lakewood, New Jersey 08701
Graduate & Professional Studies