School of Arts, Sciences, and Education
Department of Crime & Justice Studies
Office Location:
Jefferies Hall 111
Office Hours:
See current office hours and schedule your appointment here.
Educational Background
- Ph.D. Criminology, University of Cambridge, England
- M.A. Criminal Justice, University at Albany, New York
- B.A. Psychology, Clark University, Massachusetts
Professional Experience
- Georgian Court University, NJ (2011- present); Graduate Program Director (2022-2024); Department Chair (2014-2019)
- Rutgers University, NJ (2009-2011)
- Center for Mental Health Services and Criminal Justice Research, Rutgers University, NJ (2007-2009)
- Keele University, UK (2005-2007)
- See all experience LinkedIn
Research / Creativity Interest Area
The psychology of public opinion and crime policy; causes of & responses to political extremism; ethics & bias in criminal justice; gender & crime; critical criminological theories; aesthetics & emotion in the administration of justice
Additional Information
- Undergraduate: Attitudes to Crime & Punishment, Comparative Criminal Justice Systems, Crime & Mass Media, Domestic Terrorism, Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice, Gender & Crime, Guns & Crime, Introduction to Corrections, Introduction to Criminology, Introduction to Juvenile Justice, Pathway to the Bridge (First-Year Seminar), Political Crimes & Terrorism, Popular Culture & Crime, Quantitative Methods in Criminology, Reforming Criminal Justice, Research Methods in Criminal Justice, The Criminal Justice System, Theories of Crime, Varieties of Crime, Women & Crim
- Graduate: Attitudes towards Crime & Punishment, Criminal Justice & Society, Theory & Practice in Criminology, Understanding Terrorism, Research Design & Methods in Homeland Security, Qualitative Methods: Narrative Analysis
- GCU teaching only, see here
- King, A (forthcoming, 2025). Terrorism, Extremism, Hate & Criminology: A Cultural, Human Rights Approach. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
- Esposito, M. and King, A. (2021), “New York City: COVID-19 quarantine and crime”, Journal of Criminal Psychology, Vol. 11 (2): pp. https://doi.org/10.1108/JCP-10-2020-0046
- King, A. (2021). The Ubiquity of Pornography. In Robertiello, G. (ed.) Sexual Harassment and Misconduct. (pp. 239-244). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
- King, A. (2021). Victim Blaming. In Robertiello, G. (ed.) Sexual Harassment and Misconduct (pp. 355-358). ABC-CLIO.
- King, A. (2021). Traditionally “Male” Workplaces. In Robertiello, G. (ed.) Sexual Harassment and Misconduct (pp. 342-345). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
- King, A. (2021). Roiphe, Katie (1968-). In Robertiello, G. (editor) Sexual Harassment and Misconduct (pp. 283-285). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
- King, A. and Maruna, S. (2020), ‘It Is the Sensual, Stupid’: Katz and the Futures of Criminology. In Polizzi, D. (Ed.), Jack Katz: Seduction, the Street & Emotion (pp.25-39). Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-78756-072-720201002
- King, A. (2019). U.N. Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women. In Bernat, F.P & Frailing, K. (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Women & Crime, pp. 1047-49, Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9781118929803.ewac0505
- King, A. (2019). Female Drug Use, Abuse & Offending. In Bernat, F.P & Frailing, K. (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Women & Crime, pp. 233-34, Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.doi: 10.1002/9781118929803.ewac0125
- Sheridan, M., Rainville, R., King, A., Royster, B. & Fazari, G. (2019). The Historical Dictionary of Criminal Justice. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Lanham, MD.
- King, A. (2018). Just Mercy through Cultural and Convict Criminology, Journal of Criminal Psychology, Special Issue: Prison Research: Expanding our Network. 8 (1): 80-95. doi.org/10.1108/jcp-09-2017-0038
- King, A. (2017). Going Inside Crime & Punishment: The Oranges of Anti-Rehabilitative Justice. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology, 9 (2): 99-117.
- Caputo, G., King, A. (2015). Shoplifting by Male and Female Drug Users: Gender, Agency, and Work. Criminal Justice Review, 40 (1): 47-66. doi.org/10.1177/0734016814568012
- King, A., Maruna, S. (2011). Shame, Materialism, and Moral Indignation in the East of England: an Empirical Look at Ranulf’s Thesis. In Karstedt, S., Loader I., Strang, H.(Eds.), Emotions, Crime and Justice, pp. 123-142, Oxford: Hart Publishing. doi.org/10.5040/9781472565471.ch006
- Caputo, G., King, A. (2011). Shoplifting, Women, Agency & Gender. Feminist Criminology, 6 (3): 159-177. doi.org/10.1177/1557085111402815
- King, A., Maruna, S. (2009). Is a Conservative Just a Liberal Who Has Been Mugged?: Exploring the Origins of Punitive Views? Punishment and Society. 11 (2): 147-169. doi.org/10.1177/1462474508101490
- King, A. (2008). Keeping a Safe Distance: Individualism and the Less Punitive Public. British Journal of Criminology. 48: 190-208. doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azm069
- King, A. (2007). [Review of the book Neither Angels nor Demons: Women, Crime and Victimization by Kathleen L. Ferraro]. Law and Politics Book Review. Vol. 17 No.6.
- King, A., Maruna, S. (2006). The Function of Fiction for a Punitive Public. In Mason, P. (Ed.), Captured by the Media: Prison Discourse in Popular Culture (pp. 16-30). Cullompton, Willan Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781843925767
- King, A., Maruna, S. (2005). Vigilante Violence. In the Encyclopedia of Criminology, Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
- Maruna, S., Matravers, A., King, A. (2004). Disowning our Shadow: a Psychoanalytic Approach to Understanding Punitive Public Attitudes, Deviant Behavior, 25(3): 277-299. https://doi.org/10.1080/01639620490431228
- For all publications, see Google Scholar or ResearchGate
- King, A. (2022, Jun). American Hate & Order. Presented at the Northeastern Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (NEACJS). June 1-4, 2022, A System in Crisis: Tackling Pressing Issues in The Criminal Justice System, Williamsport, PA.
- King, A. (2017, Jun). Ethnography and Narrative in Convict and Cultural Criminology, presented at The Northeastern Association of Criminal Justice Services (NEACJS), Roger Williams University, Bristol, R.I.
- King, A. (2017, Jun). Exploring the Prison from the Inside – Out: A panel discussion of Convict Criminology, discussant. Northeastern Association of Criminal Justice Sciences, Bristol, R.I.
- Caputo, G., King, A. (2013, Nov). ‘Manly’ Shoplifting? A Qualitative Analysis of Male Shoplifters in an Urban Drug Market, American Society of Criminology conference Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
- King, A. (2012, Jun). The Ties That Bind: Communal Narratives in a Sample of the Punitive Public, the John Jay International Conference, Manhattan, N.Y.
- King, A., Maruna, S., Van Marle, F. (2006, Nov). Punitiveness and Insecurity: an experimental approach, American Society of Criminology Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
- King, A. (2006, Apr). Keeping a Safe Distance: Agentic Narratives in a Sample of the Punitive Public A.H.R.B. Research Centre for Law, Gender and Sexuality, ‘there is no politics without fantasy’ conference, Keele University Staffs, England.
- King, A. (2005, Nov). Hidden Injuries and Anxieties in a Sample of the British Public, poster, American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Canada.
- King, A. (2004, Nov). Understanding the Punitive (and Non-Punitive) Public, American Society of Criminology conference, Nashville, TN.
- GCU Faculty Fellowship Award (2022)
- GCU Faculty Mini-Grant (2013)
- Howard League of Penal Reform (2011)
- Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Fellow (2007)
- H.F. Guggenheim Fellow (2003)
- Gates Cambridge Scholar (2002)
- GCU Magazine (2019, June), “Criminal Justice Professors Explore the Past to Move Audiences beyond Prime Time”
- Suburban Family (2019, Feb), “Careers in CJ on the Rise”
- Faculty Focus (2018), “Exploring the Demand for Punishment”.
- The Asbury Park Press (2018, March), “NJ school threats: Have we lost our minds?”
- GCU Magazine (2017, Spring), “The New Department of Criminal Justice, Anthropology, Sociology & Human Rights”