Georgian Court-Hackensack Meridian Health School of Nursing
Office Location:
Hamilton Hall (303)
Office Hours:
By Appointment
Educational Background
- Rutgers University Graduate School, PhD Nursing Research
- Rutgers University Graduate School, MS Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Rutgers University College of Nursing, BS Nursing
Professional Experience
- Registered Professional Nurse State of New Jersey
- Board Certified Advanced Practice Nurse Pediatric Primary Care (American Nurses Credentialing Center)
- Board Certified Emergency Nurse (Emergency Nurses Association)
- Courses Taught at the University
- Introduction to Professional Nursing
- Health Assessment
- Pathophysiology
- Pharmacotherapeutics
- Evidence-Based Nursing Care of Childrearing Families
- Evidence for Professional Nursing Practice
- Evidence-Based Leadership and Management in Nursing Lab Quality Improvement
- Roles held at Georgian Court University in addition to teaching
- Institutional Research Review Board Co-Chair/ Member
- Middle States Commission on Higher Education Committee Member
- Standard II: Ethics and Integrity Co-Chair
- Academic Research Subcommittee Member
- Faculty Advisor GCU Nursing Club
- Faculty Moderator Nursing Honor Society Psi Psi Chapter 549 Sigma
- Standards and Outcomes Member School of Nursing
- Curriculum Committee Member School of Nursing
Research / Creativity Interest Area
- Cummings, J. F. (2023). Nonsuicidal self injury. American Journal of Nursing, 123(6), 44-47. https://journals.lww.com/ajnonline/Pages/currenttoc.aspx
- Cummings, J. F., Chung, S., Wardle, L. (2021, July-December). Transition experience to professional nurse: A phenomenological approach. Philippine Journal of Nursing, 91(2), 44-50. http://www.pna-pjn.com/
- Cummings, J. F., Chung, S., Wardle, L. (2021). Workforce Planning and Development: Healthcare Systems and Organizational Development: The Need for Support and Structure (PechaKucha). 46th Biennial Convention (6-10 November 2021). Indiana; Sigma Theta Tau Conference
- Cummings, J. F., Chung, S., Wardle, L. (2020). September 29. Georgian Court University. Celebration of faculty scholarship. Oral presentation: Transition Into Nursing Practice: The Lived Experience of New Millennial Nurses.
- Cummings, J. F., Chung, S., Wardle, L. (2020). Transition of new millennial nurses into practice. Nursing Management Congress Virtual Fall Event September 22-25 Poster Presentation
- Stefanou, E., & Cummings, J. (2016). Review Article: The anonymous epidemic. Austin Journal of Reproductive Medicine & Infertility 3(2):1041 -1044
- Cummings, J.F. (2015). Pediatric procedural pain-How far have we come? An ethnographic account. Pain Management Nursing, 16 (3), 233-241.
- Cummings, J.P. (2014, June). Do new graduate nurses need a formal residency program? Allnurses.com INC. Retrieved from http://allnurses.com/
- Cummings, J.F. (2013). An ethnography of the culture of pain in a non-pediatric emergency department. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 27(5), 322-323.
- Cummings, J.F. (2013, December) Poster presentation. An ethnography of pain in a non-pediatric emergency department. Cooper University Hospital Nursing Research Conference, “Achieving Nursing Excellence Through Evidence: Applying research and Evidence Based Practice”
- Cummings, J.F. (2012). An ethnography of the culture of pain in a non-pediatric emergency department. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from rucore.libraries.rutgers.edu/etd/
- Cummings, J.F. (2006, July 24). Being Green: A case of pediatric narrow complex tachycardia. Advance for Nurses, 8 (16), 31.
- Research Interests Pediatric health outcomes in both the primary healthcare setting and emergency department. Interest in qualitative research methodology Classic Glaserian Grounded Theory, Ethnography, and Phenomenology.
Additional Information
Professional Affiliations
- Registered Professional Nurse State of New Jersey
- Board Certified Advanced Practice Nurse Pediatric Primary Care (American Nurses Credentialing Center)
- Board Certified Emergency Nurse (Emergency Nurses Association)
- Sigma Theta Tau International
- American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)