School of Arts, Sciences, and Education
Teacher Education
Office Location:
204 Raymond Hall
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Educational Background
- Ph.D. Business Education, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
- M.A. Business Education, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
- B.S. Resource Economics, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Professional Experience
Dr. Sardone received her Ph.D. in Business Education from New York University. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in Resource Economics and a Master’s in Business Education from New York University. Dr. Sardone is a Professor of Education and teaches elementary methods courses in social studies and STEM, and secondary courses in instructional design and instructional technology for inclusive classrooms. Topics of recently published social studies articles include economics education for the middle school level using interactive simulation role-play, human rights education through game-based learning, and table top game development in the areas of geography and natural resources for small group instruction.
Research / Creativity Interest Area
- (2021). Equal pay for equal work: Using film clips and source evidence to explore the gender wage gap. In S. J. Kaka (Ed.), Hollywood or History? An inquiry-based strategy for using film to teach about inequality and inequity throughout history. Information Age Publishing. With Daniel Gingereau, 2020 Georgian Court University History and Secondary Teacher Education Graduate.
- (2021). Be BRAVE: Exploring persuasive messaging of young women through film clips and source analysis. In S. J. Kaka (Ed.), Hollywood or History? An inquiry-based strategy for using film to teach about inequality and inequity throughout history. Information Age Publishing. With Haylee Vitale, 2021 Georgian Court University History and Elementary Teacher Education Candidate.
- (2021). Preservice teachers consider game-based teaching & learning. Selected for inclusion in K-12 Online Learning E-Book Collection including Global Perspectives on Gameful and Playful Teaching and Learning, (Chapter 11 – pp. 240-255) Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- (2020, January 24). Environmental education activities for global citizenship: People, food, energy and sustainability. Presentation for the Alliance for New Jersey Environmental Education (ANJEE) Conference. Princeton, NJ.
- (2020, September 24-25). Modding tabletop games: Developing the geographic literacy of elementary level learners. Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Games-Based Learning (pp. 488-496), Brighton, England, Academic Conferences International Ltd. DOI: 10.34190/GBL.20.031
- (2020). Mad rulers, enlightened thinkers, and brutal gladiators: Exploring ancient Rome through film and source analysis. In S. Roberts and C. Elfer (Eds.), Hollywood or History? An inquiry-based strategy for using film to teach world history (pp. 144-164). Information Age Publishing. With Nick Santucci, 2020 Georgian Court University Secondary Teacher Education Graduate.
- (2020). Hypatia, woman astronomer: Using film to examine the roles of Christianity, science and philosophy in late antiquity. In S. Roberts and C. Elfer (Eds.), Hollywood or History? An inquiry-based strategy for using film to teach world history (pp. 180-192). Information Age Publishing. With Nick Santucci, 2020 Georgian Court University Secondary Teacher Education Graduate.
- (2020). Love me, but don’t cry for me, Argentina: Using film clips, source evidence, and blogs to explore Evita Peron’s political and social significance. In S. Roberts and C. Elfer (Eds.), Hollywood or History? An inquiry-based strategy for using film to teach world history (pp. 432-449). Information Age Publishing. With Emily Whelan, 2020 Georgian Court University Secondary Teacher Education graduate.
- (2019, November 23). Math and science integration for earth’s sake (Grades 6-8). Presentation for the Association of Teachers of Mathematics of New York City (ATMNYC) Conference. Hunter College. New York, NY.
- (2019). Gaming economics in the middle school classroom. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues, and Ideas, 92(4-5), 163-173.
- (2019, October 3-4). Gaming human rights education. Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Games-Based Learning (pp. 596-604), Copenhagen, Denmark, Academic Conferences International Ltd. DOI:10.34190/GBL.19.005
- (2018). Will the real Pocahontas please stand up? Using film and shadow puppetry to teach U.S. History. In S. Roberts and C. Elfer (Eds.), Hollywood or History? An Inquiry-Based Strategy for Using Film to Teach United States History. (Chapter 1: Beginnings to 1620, pp. 3-14). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- (2018). Attitudes toward game adoption: Preservice teachers consider game-based teaching and learning. International Journal of Game-based Learning, 8(3), 1-14.
- (2018, October 22). A creative curriculum for a crowded world (Grades 6-12). Presentation for the New Jersey Council of Social Studies (NJCSS) Conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
- (2017). Building bots to develop systems thinking. Science Scope, 40(5), 33-41.
- (2016). Let the (board) games begin: Creative ways to enhance teaching and learning. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues, and Ideas, 89(6), 215-222. With Roberta Devlin-Scherer, Ed.D, Emerita Professor of Education, Seton Hall University
Additional Information
- 2020 – 2022, Board of Directors, At-large Director, Colleges and Universities
- 2013 – 2017, Board of Directors, Economics Education Programming, Colleges and Universities