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Scott Bennett

Scott H. Bennett

Professor of History and Chair


Arts & Sciences


History & Politics

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Educational Background

  • PhD History. Rutgers University—New Brunswick
  • MA Educational Administration. College of New Jersey
  • MA History. Florida State University
  • BA History / Secondary Education. University of Central Florida

Professional Experience

  • Georgian Court Univ. Chair, Dept. of History & Politics (2015-present); Professor of history (2010–present); associate professor (2005-10); assistant professor (2001-05).
  • Leiden Univ.–The Netherlands (Spring 2014). Fulbright professor.
  • Chicago State Univ. Assistant professor.
  • Rutgers University. Camden. Visiting lecturer.
  • Community College of Philadelphia. Adjunct professor.
  • Camden County College. Adjunct professor.
  • Rutgers University—New Brunswick. Graduate TA.
  • East Brunswick High School.
  • Copenhagen International School, Denmark.
  • International School of Torino, Italy.
  • American School of El Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador.

Research / Creativity Interest Area

Publications — Books

  • OPPOSITION TO WAR: AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF UNITED STATES PEACE AND ANTIWAR MOVEMENTS, 2 volumes (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2018), edited by Mitchell K. Hall, with consulting editors Scott H. Bennett, Justus D. Doenecke, & Valarie H. Ziegler. Contributed 13 entries ranging from 500 to 3,500 words each (13,500 words total). 
  • ANTIWAR DISSENT & PEACE ACTIVISM IN WORLD WAR I AMERICA: A DOCUMENTARY READER, co-edited with Chuck F. Howlett, with a 36-pp. introduction (Lincoln & London: University of Nebraska Press, 2014).
  • ARMY GI, PACIFIST CO: THE WORLD WAR II LETTERS OF FRANK AND ALBERT DIETRICH (New York: Fordham University Press, 2005), edited with a 62-pp. archival-based introduction). [Introduction reprinted in Nonkilling History: Shaping Policy with Lessons from the Past (Honolulu: Center for Nonkilling History, 2010), pp. 29-96.] 
  • RADICAL PACIFISM: THE WAR RESISTERS LEAGUE AND GANDHIAN  NONVIOLENCE IN AMERICA, 1915-1963 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2003, reprint 2013).

Current Book Projects

  • “Conscientious Objector, Radical Pacifist, & Nonviolent Activist: How Igal Roodenko Contributed to Peace, Justice, & Freedom in World War II & Postwar America” (manuscript in final stages).
  • “Radical Pacifist and Democratic Socialist: David McReynolds and Cold War Dissent.”

Publications — Journal Articles / Book Chapters

  • “World War I Conscientious Objectors: Conscience and Resistance,” pp. 220-32.  In The Cambridge History of American Great War Literature and Culture (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2021), edited Mark Van Wienen & Tim Dayton.
  • “Shell Shock in Context: A Conversation with Harriet Hyman Alonso and Adam Hochschild.” In Peace & Change: A  Journal of Peace Research 41 (January 2016): 87-105.
  • “Conscience, Comrades, & the Cold War: The Korean War Draft Resistance Cases of Socialist Pacifists David McReynolds and Vern Davidson.” In Peace & Change 38 (January 2013): 83-120.
  • “Introduction” to Army GI, Pacifist CO: The World War II Letters of Frank & Albert Dietrich (New York: Fordham University Press, 2005). Reprinted in Nonkilling History: Shaping Policy with Lessons from the Past (Honolulu: Center for Nonkilling History, 2010), pp. 29-96.
  • “American Pacifism, the ‘Greatest Generation’ & World War II,” pp. 259-92. In Kurt Piehler & Sidney Pash, ed., The United States and the Second World War: New Perspectives on Diplomacy, War, and the Homefront (New York: Fordham University Press, 2010).
  • “‘Free American Political Prisoners’: Pacifist Activism and Civil Liberties, 1945-1948.” In Journal of Peace Research 40 (July 2003): 413-33.
  • “Workers/Draftees of the World Unite! Carlos A. Cortez Redcloud Koyokuikatl: Soapbox Rebel, WWII CO, & IWW Artist/Bard,” pp. 12-56. In Victor Sorell, ed., Carlos A. Cortez Koyokuikatl: Soapbox Rebel & Artist (Chicago: Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum, 2002).
  • “Radical Pacifism and the General Strike Against War: Jessie Wallace Hughan, the Founding of the War Resisters League, & the Socialist Origins of Secular Radical Pacifism in America.” In Peace & Change 26 (July 2001): 352-73.
  • “Socialist Pacifism and Nonviolent Social Revolution: The War Resisters League and the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939.” In Peace & Change 25 (January 2000): 102-28.

Publications — Minor Articles / Book Reviews (44, see CV)

Scholarly Presentations  (41, see CV)

Public Lectures & Interviews (50, see CV)

Additional Information


  • U.S. History Survey I & II
  • American Revolution
  • Civil War & Reconstruction
  • U.S. Politics & Society, 1890s-1945
  • America Since 1945
  • Rebels & Radicals in U.S. History
  • Gandhi & King
  • America and the World: U.S. Foreign Relations Since 1898
  • Vietnam & America
  • U.S. & 9/11 Wars & Era
  • Europe Since 1914
  • Modern Middle East
  • Modern Asian History
  • Historian’s Craft
  • History Seminar
  • International Relations
  • Comparative Politics

Service to the Profession (Select)

  • Co-editor (with Michael Clinton), “Studies In Peace History” (Book Series, Brill Publishers, Leiden, NL). Launched Dec. 2021.
  • Peace History Society:  President (2007-08); Vice-President (2005-06; 2015-16); Executive Board (2001-05; 2009-10; 2012-14; 2017-20; 2023-); Elise Boulding Prize in Peace History Com. (2018; 2023); Program Com., PHS Conference 2023; Nominating Com. (2018); Lifetime Achievement Award Com. (2010-11; 2017-18); Peace & Change Editor Search Com. (2014); PHS Newsletter Editor Search Com. (2012); International Advisory Board Com. (2009); Nominating Com. (2002-03); Scott Bills Prize Com. (2002-03; 2012-13; 2014-15); DeBenedetti Prize Com. (2001-04); Com. for New Book Prize (2016, later renamed Elise Boulding Prize in Peace History); Organized PHS Conference at Georgian Court Univ. (2007).
  • Peace & Change: A Journal of Peace Research:  Editorial Board (2008-Present).


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