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Theresa Brown

Theresa J. Brown, Ph.D., BCBA-D

Professor Of Psychology & Counseling


Arts & Sciences


Psychology & Counseling

Office Location:

Farley Center 108

Office Hours:

Please email me.

Educational Background

  • M.A., Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Ph.D., Social Psychology
  • M.A., Social Psychology
  • B.A., Psychology
  • NJ DOE School Supervisor
  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Doctoral
  • NJ DOE Certified School Psychologist
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Certificate of Advanced Graduate Standing in School Psychology

Professional Experience

Georgian Court University
  • Professor of Psychology & Counseling, 2004-present
  • Director, MA in Applied Behavior Analysis, 2021-present
  • Director, Gender Studies Program, 2005-2009
  • Associate Professor of Psychology, 2000-2004
  • Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1994-2000
Various NJ School Districts
  • School Psychologist, 2007-present
  • Behavior Analyst, 2013-present
First Children Services
  • Behavior Analyst, 2013-2016

Research / Creativity Interest Area

  • Work Life Balance
  • Parenting Children with Disabilities
  • Professional Issues in School Psychology
  • Professional Issues in Behavior Analysis
  • School Psychologists as Direct and Indirect Service Providers in Post-Secondary Settings
  • Neurodiversity & Employment

Additional Information

  • Ivanišević, M. N., Slišković, A., Ombla, J., Tokić, A., & Brown, T. J. (2023). Life satisfaction in employed mothers of children with disabilities: The importance of personal, family, work and society characteristics. Societies, In Press.
  • Brown, T. J. (2021). Ethics, Burnout, and Reported Life and Job Attitudes Among Board-Certified Behavior Analysts, Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice,  21(4), 364-375.
  • Brown, T. J., Schaible, L., DeFilippo, S., Moscatelli, A., & Linke, N. (2021). Wearing Both Hats: Finding Fulfillment as a School Psychologist and BCBA. Communique 49(7), 7.
  • Brown, T. J., & Sobel, D. (2021). School Psychologists’  Job Attitudes: A Systematic Review. Contemporary School Psychology, 25, 40-50.
  • Brown, T. J., & Sumner, K.E. (2019). Cross National Examination of Work Family Balance in Parents of Children with Disabilities Using a Bioecological Model. Child and Youth Care Forum, 48 (5), 703-718.
  • Brown, T. J. (2018). Review of Masculinity at Work: Employment Discrimination through a Different Lens, Sex Roles, 78, 587-588.
  • Brown, T. J. (2017, December 28). Toward a Deeper Understanding of the Work-Family Interface, PsycCritiques, 62(51).
  • Brown, T. J., & Cark, C. (2017). Employed Parents of Children with Disabilities and Work Family Life Balance: A Literature Review. Child & Youth Care Forum, 46 (6), 857-876.
  • Brown, T. J. (2016). Necessary for Our Times: Sexual Harassment in Education and Work Settings: Current Research and Best Practices for Prevention, Sex Roles, 75 (11), 632-633.
  • Brown, T. J. (2016). Review of Aspertools, Communique, 44 (8), 37.
  • Brown, T. J. (2015). Review of Stimpson & Heard’s Critical Terms for the Study of Gender. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 39, 415-416.
  • Garbacz, S. A., Fefer, S., & Brown, T. J. (2015). Updates from the School, Family, and Community Partnering Interest Group, Communique, 44, 38.
  • Sumner, K. E., & Brown, T. J. (2015). Human Resource Management and Neurodiversity: A Consideration of Employer Challenges for Applicants with Learning Disabilities. The Psychologist Manager Journal, 18 (2) 105-119.
  • Ponton, R., Brown, T. J., McDonnell, B., Clark, C., Pepe, J., & Deykerhoff, M. (2014). Vocational Perception: A Mixed Method Investigation of Calling. The Psychologist Manager Journal, 17 (3), 184-204.
  • Brown, T. J. (2014). Work Family Conflict among Parents of Atypically Developing Children: Exploring the Impact of Worker, Work, and Child Characteristics. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 23 (5), 854-862.
  • Brown, T. J., & Sumner, K. E. (2013). Balancing Work and Family: Implications for School Psychologists. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43 (9), 1771-1776.
  • Brown, T. J. (2013). Autism Apps. Communique, 41 (6), 33.
  • Brown, T. J. (2013). Review of Loving Someone with ADHD: A Practical Guide to Understanding Your Partner, Improving Communication & Strengthening Your Relationship. The Family Journal, 21, 255.
  • Brown, T. J. (2012). A Review of the Guide to Early Psychological Evaluation: Children and Adolescents. The Family Journal, 20, 108.
  • Brown, T. J. (2011). A Required Course in Gender Studies. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 35 (1), 162-164.
  • Brown, T. J. (2011). Through a Glass, Darkly: A Call for Additional Exploration on the Antecedents and Consequences of Self-Objectification. PsycCritiques, 56.
  • Brown, T. J. (2010, September 15). An Illustration of the Scientific Process. PsycCritiques, 55.
  • Brown, T. J. (2010, March 31). The Glass Ceiling as a Useful Metaphor for Work Life Balance. PsycCritiques, 55.
  • Brown, T. J. (2009, July 29). Work, Family, Life, and Balance: A Timely and Necessary Review. PsycCritiques, 54.
  • Sumner, K. E., Brown, T. J., & Ravosovich, D. (2009). Antecedents and Consequences of Workplace Aggression: Gaining Insight from Interview of Targeted Employees. International Journal of Business Research, 9 (1), 665-673.
  • Brown, T. J. (2008). Review of Webb & Ousky’s Collaborative Divorce. The Family Journal, 16, 501-502.
  • Brown, T. J., & Sumner, K. E. (2007).  Workplace Aggression: An Examination of Initiators, Targets, Reactions, and Organizational Contexts. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management.
  • Brown, T. J., & James, L. (2007). Encouraging undergraduate research in psychology: Two approaches. In K. K. Karukstit & T. Elgren (Eds.). Designing, implementing, and sustaining a research-supportive undergraduate curriculum: A compendium of successful curricular practices from faculty and institutions engaged in undergraduate research. Washington DC: Council of Undergraduate Research.
  • Brown, T. J., & Sumner, K. E. (2006). Dual Career Couples in Academia. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management.
  • Brown, T. J., & Sumner, K. E., (2006). Perceptions and Punishments of Workplace Aggression: Toward an Understanding of Content, Context, and Perceiver Variables. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36, 2509-2531.
  • Brown, T. J. (2006). Lessons Learned from Marital Infidelity: A Review of Praver’s Daring Wives. PsycCritiques, 51.
  • Brown, T. J. (2006). Review of Roseby’s A Safe Place to Grow. The Family Journal, 14, 449-450.
  • Brown, T. J., Ferrara, K., & Schley, N. (2002). The Relationship of Pregnancy Status to Job Satisfaction: An Exploratory Analysis. Journal of Business and Psychology, 17, 135-158.
  • Brown, T. J., Sumner, K. E., & Nocera, R. (2002). Understanding Sexual Aggression against Women: An Examination of the Role of Men’s Athletic Participation and Related Variables. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 17, 937-952.
  • Brown, T. J. (2001). Now You See It, Now You Don’t: A Review of Joyce K. Fletcher’s Disappearing Acts. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 25, 155.
  • Brown, T. J. (2001). A Sociological Examination of Gender and Racial Inequality at Work: A Review of Samuel Cohn’s Race, Gender, and Discrimination at Work. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 24, 78-79.
  • Brown, T.J., & Allgeier, E.R. (1996). The Impact of Participant Characteristics, Perceived Motive, and Participant Job Behaviors on Co-Workers’ Evaluations of Workplace Romances. The Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26, 577-595.
  • Sumner, K. E., & Brown, T. J. (1996). Men, Women, and Money: Exploring the Role of Gender, Gender-Linkage of College Major, and Career Information Source in Salary Expectations. Sex Roles, 34, 823-839.
  • Brown, T.J., & Allgeier, E.R. (1995). Managers’ Perceptions of Workplace Romances:  An Interview Study. The Journal of Business and Psychology, 10, 169-176.
Graduate Courses Taught
  • Advanced Behavior Change Procedures in Educational & Community Settings
  • Advanced Practicum in School Psychology
  • Advanced Statistics & Research Methodology I
  • Advanced Statistics & Research Methodology II
  • Advanced Statistics & Research Methodology III
  • Behavior Assessment in Educational & Community Settings
  • Behavior Change Procedures in Educational & Community Settings
  • Counseling with Children & Adolescents
  • Ethics & Law in School Psychology & Behavior Analysis
  • Practicum in Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Research in School Psychology Seminar
  • Seminar in Child & Adolescent Development
  • Social & Emotional Assessment
  • Vocational Psychology & Career Development
  • Thesis Supervision
  • Dissertation Supervision
Undergraduate Courses Taught
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Adult Development
  • Applied Statistics & Research Methods
  • Child Development
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Experimental Psychology
  • I/O Psychology
  • Introduction to Careers in Psychology
  • Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Lifespan Development Personality Psychology Psychology of Women
  • Research in Psychology I, II, & III
  • Shaping Lives: Women & Gender
  • Social Psychology
  • Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
  • Supervised Research in Psychology
  • Transfer Seminar
  • Women & Work


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