Clubs & Organizations

Get involved at Georgian Court University.
We have plenty of clubs and organizations to enhance your interests.
From academic clubs to community service and social organizations, we invite you to explore all of the organizations at GCU.
For more information, contact the Office of Student Life at or 732-987-2606.
Clubs & Organizations
The Active Minds Club’s purpose is to utilize the student voice to “destigmatize” mental illness and judgment on college campuses. This organization is working towards hosting events that are intended to broaden student awareness on campuses and assist in eliminating stereotyped misconceptions on mental illness.
Bake for a Cause is a newly formed organization that holds monthly bake sales in an effort to raise money for a particular cause and bring happiness to others on campus. All proceeds are donated to a different foundation each month.
The Black Student Union ensures that history, culture, and well-being are promoted throughout the GCU community through community projects and campus events like the Black History Month celebration. Membership is open to all students.
The Business Club provides opportunities to network and engage with professional organizations, small businesses, alumni, and the local community via meetings, trips, and special events. It is an excellent platform for students to practice leadership and entrepreneurial skills. Membership is open to all students.
The Campus Activities Board works to ensure that students enjoy campus life outside the classroom by bringing both entertainment and curricular opportunities to campus. The board is responsible for providing programs that enhance social interaction, awareness to diversity, and service to community. CAB promotes and supports student development both individually and collectively while embodying the Mercy core values.
The Clionaes History Club is open to all students who want to have fun while deepening their understanding of the past. Field trips, museum tours, regional conferences, paper presentations, and campus events are some of the activities members plan and enjoy throughout the year. Events planned for the future include organized trips to historic locations and many other fun-filled activities both on and off campus.
The GCU Student Chapter of the CEC is dedicated to improving the educational success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents. The club participates in university events and sponsors awareness programs, service activities, professional development, and fund-raisers throughout the year.
The Education Club provides opportunities for students to volunteer, professional development, and get together with other teacher candidates. The club has hosted teacher panels and planned autism awareness events to recognize special education teachers and provide them with school supplies. Club members visit local schools to make a difference in the lives of students and teachers.
The GCU Dance Alliance provides an opportunity for all students to have an outlet of expression, energy, and creativity by taking part in dance classes and performances choreographed by members. The club offers a variety of classes such as Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop, Latin Rhythms, and Lyrical Dance.
The Georgian Court Conservancy educates students about wildlife and nature through practical programming and engaging activities. Students take part in events, panel discussions, hiking trips, gardening, and fund-raising with an aim to bring awareness to the environment and animals, the critical issues they are facing, and eco-friendly solutions in hopes of preserving the natural world. Through this congregation, the club puts an emphasis on learning, not only to appreciate the earth and its creatures, but to protect it.
Global Lions is a club at GCU for study abroad students, international students, and any students interested in promoting global awareness across campus. The club hosts monthly Global Café events, language and cultural exchanges, as well as new student initiatives. There will be an increasing number of opportunities for student leadership in this organization.
Habitat for Humanity is a group dedicated to participation in the mission of Habitat for Humanity International. The work of this student organization includes building decent, affordable housing as well as fund-raising to support building projects and service trips. They work to educate themselves and other on issues of poverty housing and advocate for social justice.
The Integrative Health Club is a group with a special interest in promoting overall wellness and health through the mind, the body, and the soul. This organization strives to demonstrate good physical, mental, and social health through understanding the multicultural perspectives of integrative health medicine.
LASO is a nonprofit, nonpolitical organization that educates, supports, and encourages the Latin American community at GCU. LASO promotes leadership, scholarship, and involvement in community issues. Events are sponsored throughout the year, including the annual LASO Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration, which is held in the fall.
LGBTQ at GCU enhances social justice by creating a more equitable community in which all individuals are accepted regardless of sexual identity. The organization aims to create a greater understanding and awareness of sexual and spiritual identity. It is open to any member of the Georgian Court community regardless of how they choose to identify themselves.
The GCU student chapter of this organization promotes knowledge, enjoyment, and play with mathematics. Students join together in public service, trips, the promotion of mathematical education, and cooperative problem solving. Activities include lunch meetings, trips to mathematics conferences, competitions, and support of the Pi Mu Epsilon Honor Society.
The Nursing Club supports all nursing students, raises funds for nursing-related charities, and improves students’ understanding of the nursing profession.
You do not have to be a pre-med or nursing major to join GCU’s Pre-Health Club. The club is open to all GCU students who have an interest in the medical field and the issues surrounding our health care system. In addition, the club is designed to help build a network of support for those students trying to navigate the medical school application process. The club is also a great way to meet new students who also aspire to work in or have similar interests in the medical field.
The Psychology Club, which is open to all students who have an interest in psychology regardless of major, promotes scholarly excellence and works to advance the science of psychology. The club sponsors numerous fund-raisers during the year.
Relay for Life is a nationwide fund-raising event and subcomponent of the American Cancer Society. GCU’s Relay for Life is a collaboration of students, faculty, and staff dedicated to saving lives from cancer by initiating and supporting programs of the American Cancer Society. Relay for Life focuses on advocacy, cancer education, and the American Cancer Society signature Relay for Life fund-raising event. Relay for Life works alongside the local office as well as national leadership to support the efforts of the organization in these directions.
Salt and Light is an organization which aims to live the GCU core value of justice. The club is a member of the CRS Ambassadors program, a nationwide community of students committed to advancing global justice, peace, and human dignity. The club is sponsored by the Office of Campus Ministry.
Social Work Club members discuss current trends in social work and apply their learning in real-life situations by going out into the community to help those in need. Members also actively raise funds during the year.
The purpose of the SNJEA chapter is to follow the mission, vision, and goals of the New Jersey Education Association. SNJEA advances and protect the rights, benefits, and interests of members, and promotes a quality system of public education for all students. SNJEA is a diverse, democratic organization working to create an optimal environment to achieve excellence in public education in New Jersey.
The Task Force for Diversity and Inclusion is a new organization that aims to build a safe, diverse, and inclusive campus. This group works to bring awareness to inequalities and issues surrounding race, culture, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, ability, and sexual orientation.
Theatre Club showcases theater as art. Through the club, prospective actors/actresses can explore the many ways to dramatically express and communicate a character’s emotions, feelings, ideas, and formation. The club provides students with an outlet for truly uninhibited creativity. Theatre Club welcomes everyone since its main goal is to help students channel their creative energy.
Forming a New Student Group
Want to organize a new student organization? Contact a member of the SGA Executive Board or the Office of Student Life at or 732-987-2606.
Registration of Student Clubs & Organizations
Each year, student organizations must re-register with the coordinator of student activities and the SGA. Once registered as an official student organization, recognition and participation in campus events can be granted.
To register a group, complete and submit a registration form to the Office of Student Activities during the first week of classes. Submit a roster of members by the first SGA Open Forum. Georgian Court University does not recognize any club or organization that restricts its membership by race or ethnicity.
Scheduling Campus Activities
Want to get your club’s activity promoted around campus? Schedule events early and contact the SGA to get approval. Campus organizations wishing to invite visitors to lecture or entertain on campus must schedule their respective activities with the SGA office and the coordinator of student activities and must post notices in appropriate areas. If these events will be open to the public, please notify the Office of Marketing and Communications at least four weeks prior to the event. Information regarding activities is posted on campus and on the electronic student activities calendar and the online portal.
The approval of the coordinator of student activities is required to reserve a university facility—contact the Office at Student Life at or 732-987-2606. Do not submit requests online or directly to the Office of Conferences and Special Events.
Club Funding from SGA
Clubs officially registered with SGA are able to apply for event funding by completing a Request for Funds form. The form should be completed and returned to the Office of Student Life.