School may officially be out, but summer is a great time for young people to explore and expand their knowledge and skills or focus on extracurricular activities.
This summer, the Georgian Court University (GCU) campus will host over 600 young people enrolled in summer camps and programs sponsored by community organizations. Programs range from a mini-medical school experience and athletics training to an exchange program for students from Chile and the annual ALA Girls State.
Georgian Court has hosted community summer programs for decades, offering access to classrooms, labs, residence halls, athletic fields, and other facilities. The programs are run by outside organizations, but some do collaborate with GCU departments and faculty to provide special training and enhanced learning experiences.
“Service is one of our Mercy core values,” said Allison Lagerquist, GCU Director of Events & Strategic Partnerships. “GCU is proud to be able to service a need in our community for a safe and welcoming space to hold summer enrichment programs for youth that provide opportunities to enhance their interests, expand their skills, share new cultural experiences, and have fun along the way.”
Many of these organizations come back, year after year. The Girls Scouts of the Jersey Shore and the American Legion Auxiliary New Jersey Girls have held their summer programs at GCU for the past 20 years.
Summer programs scheduled from June through August:
- American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) New Jersey Girls State (June) – For 200 rising seniors, traditionally in the top percent of their class, from each high school in NJ.
- CAPs Mini Medical School (July) – CAPS Summer Of A Lifetime (SOAL) program for high school students from attending the New Jersey College Achieve Public Schools: Greater Asbury Park, Paterson, and Plainfield campuses. Georgian Court faculty and staff will provide classes, field trips, and community service programming during their two-week immersive experience.
- Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore (July) – Some 25 girls (9th -12th grade) from all over the country take part in “Down the Jersey Shore & More” day trips around the Tri-State Region.
- Princeton Day School Soccer Academy (July) – An overnight camp in conjunction with Georgian Court Athletics that provides approximately 15 high school girls with training from GCU coaches
- Chile Exchange Program (July) – GCU, through a partnership with Global Education, will host approximately 20 students from Chile to experience American culture. These students will embark on day trips around the Tri-State Region and engage in classroom experiences with GCU faculty.
- Major Development Soccer (July-Aug.) – Between 125-175 young athletes (ages 7-16) will be on campus to run drills, have scrimmages, and meet coaches.
- Red Bulls New York Premier Academy (Aug.) – This year, GCU will welcome the Red Bulls RDS camp, which is open to Red Bulls advanced soccer players. Some 155-230 young athletes will practice, scrimmage, and have a chance to meet with GCU coaches.
For information on how to host your program at Georgian Court contact: Allison Lagerquist, Director of Events & Strategic Partnerships, or 732-987-2281, or Amanda McCarthy, Event Services Supervisor, or 732-987-2263.