Dr. Denise Furlong
Assistant Professor/Director of Advanced Programs for Reading Specialist & ESL
School of Arts, Sciences, and Education
Advanced Studies
Office Location:
Raymond Hall 207
Office Hours:
Office hours are by appointment.
Educational Background
- Rutgers University, Graduate School of Education
- Ed.D., Literacy Education with a Concentration in ELs
- Magna Cum Laude
- Rutgers University, Graduate School of Education
- Ed.M., Language Education
- Magna Cum Laude
- The College of New Jersey
- BS, Elementary Education & Spanish
- Summa Cum Laude
Professional Experience
- Georgian Court University (2021-present)
- Assistant Professor
- Director of Advanced Studies for Reading Specialist & ESL
- Brick Township Schools
- EL interventionist
- Freehold Borough Schools
- ESL/Spanish/Bilingual teacher
- SLIFE instructional coach
- Bilingual liaison
- Old Bridge Township Schools
- Spanish and Basic Skills teacher
Research / Creativity Interest Area
- Newcomers and SLIFE
- Literacy for diverse students
- Holistic professional learning
Additional Information
- Published works:
- Furlong, D. (2022). Voices of Newcomers: Experiences of multilingual learners. EduMatch Publishing.
- Furlong, D. (2022). A place for everyone: Inclusion for multilingual learners. NJTESOL/NJBE Annual Voices Journal, 2. https://voices.njtesol-njbe.org/annual-voices-journal-2022/a-place-for-everyone/
- Furlong, D., & Spina, C. (2022). Holistic professional learning in times of crisis. In A. Wilmot & C. Thompson (Eds.), Handbook of research on activating middle executives’ agency to lead and manage during times of crisis (pp. 274-302). IGI Global.
- Furlong, D., & Lugo, P. (2022). Empowering teachers to find their joy. In S. Thomas (Ed.), EduMatch snapshot on education 2022 (pp. 193-218). EduMatch Publishing.
- Furlong, D. & Tang, S.S. (2023) Ben and the amazing animal adventure. EduMatch Publishing.
- Conferences:
- SWFL TESOL 2022: “Leveraging Your Newcomers’ Backpack of Experiences”
- SLIFE Conference 2022: “SLIFE and SEMH” (with C. Spina)
- The Confident ESL Teacher Virtual Conference 2022: “Supporting the SEMH of MLs with Authentic & Meaningful SEL”
- West Jersey Reading Council Fall Literacy Conference 2022: “Engaging & Empowering MLs in Literacy” (with M. Campesi)
- NJASCD Early Childhood Summit 2022: “Creating a Collaborative Approach to Welcoming Newcomer English Learners” (with C. Zimmer)
- National Association for English Language Administrators (NAELPA) 3rd Quarter webinar: “Effective Literacy for Secondary Multilingual Learners” (with C. Salva)
- NJASCD Central Region webinar (November 2022): “Supporting Multilingual Learners in the Content Areas”
- NJASCD Early Childhood Summit (December 2022): “Creating a Collaborative Approach to Welcoming Newcomer English Learners” (with C. Zimmer)
- NJTESOL/NJBE Shore Chapter (February 2023): “Supporting Multilinguals with Educational Differences in the Content Areas”
- NJASCD Whole Child Conference (April 2023): “Supporting Newcomer English Learners Through Collaboration and Advocacy” (with C. Zimmer)
- NJTESOL/NJBE Spring Conference (May 2023): “Explicit Literacy Instruction for Multilingual Learners” (with K. Williver, graduate student)
- NEA Aspiring Educators Conference (June 2023): “Nurturing an Environment in Which Your Multilingual Learners with Thrive” (with C. Spina)
- Delta Kappa Gamma International Conference in Phoenix (July 2023): “Motivating Learners with Diverse Needs Through Empowering Their Educators”
- Delta Kappa Gamma International Conference in Tampere, Finland (July 2023): Considering Opportunities, Contributions, and Impact of our Newcomer Students