GCU Cares

Georgian Court University is committed to the compassionate care of our campus community. During uncertain times, our Mercy charism calls us to care for each other in special ways. If you or someone you know in our community is experiencing extreme personal distress including personal, financial, or academic issues, we want to help.
Interested in Donating to the Angel Fund?
We are in this together! Support fellow GCU community members in need with a donation to the Angel Fund. This fund helps us provide relief and address the greatest needs of our community. These efforts may include stocking the Julian’s Cupboard Student Food Pantry, helping students by offsetting the cost of educational expenses, or other areas of urgent need. Please visit https://alumni.georgian.edu/give-now/ and select The Angel Fund/Student Emergency Needs as the designation.
How can GCU Cares help you?
GCU Cares was established to support students who are facing true, unexpected, and urgent financial hardships. Help can be provided to relieve the stress and burden that these circumstances cause students. You must have experienced an unanticipated event during the semester that you are making the request. We connect students to resources and support, offer basic needs help and connect students to people and places on and off campus to meet their critical needs.
Additionally, students can receive Angel Fund support to help offset the cost of the urgent financial hardship that is preventing the student from making progress through their degree. Funds awarded from GCU Cares may be applied to the following expenses:
- Transportation
- Basic Needs
- Educational Expenses and Materials
- Natural Disasters
- Computer Repairs
If you are experiencing an unanticipated loss of employment or a reduction in salary of a student or parent, please contact the Financial Aid office to discuss the possibility of a reevaluation of your financial aid based on loss or reduction of income.
Please note that Angel Funds cannot be used for on-going support; it is intended for emergency use only. The purchase of textbooks, tuition & fees, daily transportation, and other educational expenses are considered in the cost of attendance calculations for financial aid, and therefore, GCU Cares cannot be used to cover expenses for each semester, nor is it intended to fund all the books and supplies needed for the semester.
If you or someone you know in the GCU community is experiencing financial hardship, please complete the form below. A GCU case manager will help you by coordinating care and support through both on-campus and off-campus resources.
How GCU Cares Request Work
Step 1: Complete application. This includes the submission of documented proof of hardship
Step 2: A GCU Cares case manager will reach out to you to set up a meeting to discuss ways to help you and request more information/documentation if needed.
Step 3: The GCU Cares case manager will identify resources on campus and off campus to help with your situation. Recourses provided will be recommendations to help you with all matters related to care.
Step 4: The Angel Fund Committee will review submissions for Angel Fund needs. The committee will review your complete student record, including financial aid availability. The committee will determine any funding awarded and the matter in which shall be posted to you.
Step 5: You will be presented with any support we can provide and must agree to the terms and conditions of the support. Conditions may include taking on campus employment though work-study, returning books, providing receipts and/or donating your time in other ways to support fellow students.
Need Assistance or Know Someone Who Does?
Let us know how we can help by completing the form below.