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Prior Learning Assessment


A student who successfully demonstrates that the knowledge gained through professional work experience, volunteer activities, non-credit courses, workshops, seminars, and other activities corresponds to the knowledge gained in a GCU course may be granted academic credit. The most common method for students to demonstrate their knowledge and competency is prior learning assessment (PLA) through a portfolio.

Credits earned through PLA are awarded not for the experience itself, but for the knowledge, skills or competencies gained through that experience. By utilizing PLA to earn college credit, GCU students can not only reduce their time to degree but also reduce costs by earning credits at a discounted PLA tuition rate.

Please navigate through the PLA process below to continue with a request for a portfolio review.

Students may earn a maximum of 18 credits through PLA in an undergraduate program.

Credits awarded through PLA portfolio are treated as transfer credits. Undergraduate students who have already reached the maximum amount of 90 transfer credits may not earn additional credits through PLA.

PLA must address the outcomes of a specific course in the current GCU catalog. Portfolios may be submitted for 100-300 level courses only and may not be used to substitute for a capstone course.

Courses petitioned through PLA must not duplicate transfer credit or any other coursework used to fulfill degree requirements. Students who enroll in a GCU course and do not earn a passing grade may not petition to earn credit for that same course through PLA portfolio.

The credit request for a PLA portfolio must match the amount of credit normally awarded for the course being petitioned.

Students interested in developing a portfolio must complete CAR199 (1 credit).

Students interested in learning more about receiving credit for prior learning through a professional work experience, Prior Learning Assessment should contact one of the PLA Advisors.

NameSchoolEmail Address
Jeongwon ChoiSchool of Business & Digital
Elissa Cutter School of Arts, Sciences & Education
Jessica Hausmann School of Arts, Sciences & Education
Shohini Holden School of Nursing & Wellness
Amu Magaya School of Arts, Sciences & Education
  1. Contact a PLA advisor to discuss your prior experiences and learn about the process.
  2. Complete the CAR199 Portfolio Development course. This course is offered in the second session of each semester (fall, spring, and summer).
  3. Based on what you’ve learned in CAR199, compile portfolio documentation. As part of CAR199, you will compile your first portfolio and identify the faculty member and reviewing department.
  4. Student and faculty member from the reviewing department will work together to complete the Request for Credit for Prior Learning form. The Dean and CPL Coordinator must also approve the Agreement.
  5. Pay the portfolio assessment fee. The fee for the first portfolio submission is included in the tuition for the CAR199 course.
  6. Submit portfolio to faculty member from reviewing department for assessment.
  7. The faculty member will assess the student’s submission and may request more information from them.
  8. The faculty member will determine whether a student’s prior learning demonstrates proficiency across the evaluation rubric criteria in the PLA Evaluator Response Form. Faculty will provide feedback to each student using this form.
  9. Faculty will complete the PLA Evaluator Response form for the course where credit was requested signifying approval or denial of the credit request. The PLA Evaluator Response form will be forwarded to the student and PLA Coordinator via email by the faculty member.
  10. The PLA Coordinator will review the PLA Evaluator Response form, document completion by faculty, verify payment for the portfolio assessment fee, and coordinate with the Registrar to make appropriate entries to the student’s transcript.
  11. The PLA Coordinator will notify the student, faculty, and the dean of process outcome and completion.
  12. If the evaluation outcome is a denial of credit, the student may attempt a second time for no additional fee, upon approval of the faculty. Students are limited to two attempts at PLA per course.
  13. If a student disagrees with the PLA outcome after two attempts, the student may submit an appeal to the PLA Coordinator following GCU grade appeal guidelines.
  14. This portfolio process can be repeated for up to 18 credits. CAR199 does not need to be repeated.

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