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Transition and Career Studies

Transition and Career Studies (TCS) at Georgian Court University is a four-year transition and postsecondary inclusive college-based program for students with intellectual disabilities. What defines an intellectual disability? Visit for more information.

Pathways to Possibility

Transition and Career Studies is a residential program with a strong career-development focus, embedded in a small, private, Catholic liberal arts university. The program is grounded in GCU’s Mercy core values of respect, integrity, justice, compassion, and service.

Student holding books
Mentors Needed
Become a mentor

TCS students will be supported by qualified peer-mentors for enhanced social support and campus life experience, and they will be fully supported—both academically and socially—throughout their time at GCU. As a mentor, your goal is to help provide the support TCS students’ need to succeed academically and to integrate fully into the life of the campus.

Mentoring is a paid work study program that is exempt from federal work study limitations, so all students are invited to apply! Mentors will be expected to arrive on time and to be prepared to engage with the TCS student in either an academic or social activity that has been agreed upon.

Opportunities Available

Counseling Center

Academic Mentors

Academic mentors are an important part of a successful GCU University Experience. Support activities will include helping TCS students manage their courses and making sure they are successful in their work. If you are an aspiring educator, or someone who just likes to lend a helping hand, this role might be just right for you!

Open House Students

Campus Life Mentors

Campus Life is an exciting part of the GCU college experience, and mentoring is all about finding ways to involve TCS students in GCU life and making sure they are getting the most out of their time on campus. If you are the kind of person who likes to get involved in planning and activities, this role could be perfect for you!

Students on laptops in the transition and career studies classroom

Career Readiness

Students in the TCS program engage in a process of personal discovery, futures planning, and skill development related to establishing a path to a desired adult life with a focused approach to competitive employment.

The Life Design and Transition curriculum focuses on the development and implementation of individualized and person-centered life planning that includes the areas of self-awareness / identity, self-determination / self-advocacy, self-reflection, creative / shared decision-making, and other related areas of human development.

The goal of this program component is a comprehensive approach to life and transition planning that strives to assure that each graduate is firmly rooted within a plan for post-graduate competitive integrated employment, independent living, and overall independence.

Campus Activities

Building friendship, self-confidence, and achievement

On campus, TCS students attend classes and participate in the many social, recreational, and cultural activities of a major university. This includes sports, social activities, and meals in the campus dining hall.

TCS students will be supported by qualified peer-mentors for enhanced social support and campus life experience, and they will be fully supported—both academically and socially—throughout their time at GCU.

Living away from home while attending a college program is an important way to learn skills for independence. Our program will build confidence and expand pathways to possibility.

At GCU, students will:

Program Curriculum

In the TCS program, students receive the benefits of a full GCU college experience. Our beautiful campus is inspiring, yet secure, pairing students’ growing independence with the peace of mind that comes from our uniquely caring environment.

TCS is a 121-credit non-degree certificate program that features core GCU courses, electives, academic and social support courses, career courses, and internships.

Students who successfully complete the program will receive a board-certified GCU certificate of completion.

Meet our staff

Welcome to TCS!

We are so glad you are interested in joining our community. This is the first stop on your own personal “pathway to possibility.” Please take a moment to get your application materials together, and be sure to download our TCS brochure:

(1.) Download the Forms (.docx)

(2.) Submit Your Forms

Mail your forms to TCS directly or e-mail documents to

Transition and Career Studies
Raymond Hall
Georgian Court University
900 Lakewood Avenue
Lakewood, NJ 08701

(3.) If You Have Questions

Call the Transition and Career Studies office in GCU’s Raymond Hall at 732-987-2659.

For more information about TPSID programs Visit Think College to learn more about transition programs and resources that are available to postsecondary students.


This project is supported by grant #P407A200038.

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