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Online Advanced & Educational Services Programs

Expand possibility for yourself and your students. Discover all that our Advanced & Educational Services programs at Georgian Court University can do for your teaching career.

Program Highlights


Master of Education

1-2 Years

Average time to complete

Cost per credit

A teacher working with a student

Advanced & Educational Services Programs

By earning an M.Ed. or endorsement via our Advanced & Educational Services programs at GCU, you’ll expand what’s possible not only for yourself, but also your students. Become a teacher proficient in autism spectrum disorders, multilingual learning, reading and literacy, and so much more by enrolling in GCU’s Advanced & Educational Services programs. And with flexible start dates and online class options, these programs are designed to fit into your busy life.

Why you should pursue advanced & educational services programs at GCU

Engaged and Involved Faculty

The faculty in the Advanced & Educational Services programs at GCU are passionate about fostering a community among students and providing individualized support. Many faculty members have worked or are currently working in the very fields in which they teach, helping bring real-world insight into the classroom.

Known to Be Excellent

Georgian Court’s online graduate education programs were ranked #13 nationally on GradReports’ 25 Best Online Master’s in Education Degree Programs 2020 list. The study was based on median salary of alumni one year after graduation. And with 95% of GCU’s faculty holding doctoral degrees, you’ll be learning from the best and brightest in New Jersey’s educational landscape.

Mercy Core Values

We are devoted to our core values of respect, integrity, justice, compassion, and service, which are woven through each course and every aspect of our educational experience. At GCU, students, faculty, and staff see themselves as something bigger than themselves, recognizing their ability and responsibility to change the world as individuals and as a community.

Why GCU?

At Georgian Court University, our classes are taught by dedicated, caring faculty who are committed to the Mercy core values and providing you with individual attention and guidance. In our graduate education programs, faculty have direct experience working in New Jersey schools and will work with you to get you where you want your education career to be. By studying Advanced & Educational Services online at Georgian Court University, you’ll be enjoying a flexible, multidisciplinary, compassionate, and hands-on graduate education.

Aerial view of Georgian Court University

Advanced & Educational Services Endorsements

Explore all of Georgian Court University’s Advanced & Educational Services programs and see how you can expand what is possible in your teaching career.

The Autism Spectrum Disorders program offers certified teachers and non-certified individuals with a personal or professional interest in autism disorders (parents, advocates, service providers, and others) an in-depth study of the pervasive developmental disorders including teaching strategies and interventions, assessment, and social communication development for students with autism or related developmental disorders. Completers of the certificate program earn a Georgian Court University certificate indicating focused training in autism spectrum disorders; completers of the degree program earn a Master of Education.

Course List
Code Title Credits
Autism GCU Certificate
EDC5301Nature & Needs Indivs w/Aut&PervasDevDis3.0
EDC5302Strategies Teach Students w/Aut & DevDis 13.0
EDC5303Soc Communic Intervent Students w/ASD3.0
EDC5304Assess & Curr Inter for Autism Spec Dis3.0
EDC5305Intervent & Supports Level 1 Char ASD3.0
Total Credits15.0

Requires 10 hours of clinical experience.

Additional courses required for master’s degree:

Course List
Code Title Credits
EDC5001Philo & Psych Found of Incl Ed3.0
EDC5002Diversity in Inclusive Education3.0
EDC5010Curr Leadership for the Incl Sch3.0
EDC5014Methods of Res for Leaders in Incl Sch3.0
EDC5158Instr Technology for Incl Education3.0
EDC6095Project Applied Thesis I3.0
EDC6099Project Applied Thesis II3.0
Total Credits21.0

For more information on program requirements, consult the Graduate Catalog.

Certified teachers with proficiency in both English and another language that would be used for instruction will be eligible for an endorsement as a Bilingual/Bicultural teacher at the completion of this 12-credit program. The endorsement allows the individual to teach the subject(s) and grade levels of their instructional certificate to speakers of other languages in a bilingual setting. It also prepares the bilingual teacher to help English learners/multilingual learners meet the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS), and World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) standards. The program design was guided by the national Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) standards, the New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers (NJPST), and the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards. An instructional co-certificate in the content or grade level to be taught is required. An ESL endorsement is an acceptable co-certification. Demonstration of proficiency in English and the target language is required.

In addition to completing the courses listed below, students must earn a passing score on oral (OPI) and written English proficiency (WPT) examinations by the end of the program.

Course List
Code Title Credits
Bilingual/Bicultural Endorsement Program
EDC5021Second Language Acquisition3.0
EDC5022Teaching ESL Through Content3.0
EDC5026Phonology & Structure of American Eng3.0
EDC5027Literacy for Multilingual Learners3.0
Total Credits12.0

For more information on program requirements, consult the Graduate Catalog.

The GCU director of the school counseling program prepares individuals who already hold a valid educational services certification as a school counselor. The program includes study in administration, staff supervision, and curriculum development.

In addition, the director of the school counseling program requires at least three years of successful school counselor experience under standard New Jersey or out-of-state school counselor certification.

Course List
Code Title Credits
EDC5101School Law3.0
EDC5102Superv of Instr in the Incl School3.0
EDC5010Curr Leadership for the Incl Sch3.0
Total Credits9.0

For more information on program requirements, consult the Graduate Catalog.

The Early Childhood endorsement program prepares individuals who already hold a valid New Jersey instructional certificate to teach students in preschool through Grade 3 settings. The program leads to eligibility for a New Jersey instructional endorsement of Preschool through Grade 3. An additional 9 credits are needed beyond the Early Childhood Education 24-credit program to qualify for a Master of Education degree.

Course List
Code Title Credits
ECE Program
ECE5101Growth Dev & Learning in Incl ECE & SpEd3.0
ECE5102Incl ECE Curriculum & Assessment3.0
ECE5105Family, Community & the Young Child3.0
ECE5202Instr in ELA & Lit I in Incl ECE & SpEd3.0
ECE5203Numeracy in Incl ECE & SpEd3.0
ECE5204Inst Lit II & SS Incl ECE & SpEd3.0
ECE5205Sci & Tech in Incl ECE & SpEd3.0
ECE5300Issues in Early Childhood Education3.0
Total Credits24.0

Additional courses required for master’s degree:

Course List
Code Title Credits
EDC5014Methods of Res for Leaders in Incl Sch3.0
EDC6095Project Applied Thesis I3.0
EDC6099Project Applied Thesis II3.0
Total Credits9.0

For more information on program requirements, consult the Graduate Catalog.

The English as a Second Language (ESL) program prepares teachers to provide instruction in English to students whose native language is not English and to support these English language learners in mastering the content designated in the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS). The ESL program reflects the national Teachers of English to Speakers of other Languages (TESOL) standards, the New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers (NJPST) and the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards. It leads to eligibility for endorsement to a New Jersey instructional certification as a Teacher of English as a Second Language. An additional 15 credits are needed beyond the ESL program to qualify for a Master of Education degree. Additional information can be found on the ESL page.

In addition to completing the courses listed below, students must earn a passing score on oral (OPI) and written English proficiency (WPT) examinations by the end of the program.

Course List
Code Title Credits
ESL Program
EDC5021Second Language Acquisition3.0
EDC5022Teaching ESL Through Content3.0
EDC5023Hist & Culture of Multilingual Learners3.0
EDC5026Phonology & Structure of American Eng3.0
EDC5027Literacy for Multilingual Learners3.0
Total Credits15.0

Additional courses required for master’s degree:

Course List
Code Title Credits
EDC5002Diversity in Inclusive Education3.0
EDC5014Methods of Res for Leaders in Incl Sch3.0
EDC5202Multicultural Literature for Children3.0
EDC6095Project Applied Thesis I3.0
EDC6099Project Applied Thesis II3.0
Total Credits15.0

For more information on program requirements, consult the Graduate Catalog.

The Master of Education–Multisensory Literacy with ESL Certification program provides a pathway for educators to fully understand the latest research and practices in multisensory literacy through courses designed to engage them in working with learners with diverse literacy and language needs. Additionally, this program prepares certified teachers to be ESL teachers in a school or district.

The English as a Second Language (ESL) program prepares teachers to provide instruction in English to students whose native language is not English and to support these multilingual learners in mastering the content designated in the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS). The ESL program reflects the national Teachers of English to Speakers of other Languages (TESOL) standards, the New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers (NJPST) and the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards. It leads to eligibility for endorsement to a New Jersey instructional certification as a Teacher of English as a Second Language.

All courses include a keystone assessment/artifact that demonstrates the accomplishment of course goals and the integration of acquired knowledge and skills.

Program completers earn a Master of Education degree and are eligible for New Jersey educational services certification as an ESL teacher. Successful completion of courses and practicum will earn candidates Level 1 credentials through Wilson Reading System. This degree program is an opportunity for candidates to combine courses in the Wilson Reading System with a NJ state-approved certification for ESL teachers.

In addition to completing the courses listed below, students must earn a passing score on oral (OPI) and written English proficiency (WPT) examinations by the end of the program.

Course List
Code Title Credits
M.Ed., Multisensory Literacy with ESL Certification
EDC5002Diversity in Inclusive Education3.0
EDC5021Second Language Acquisition 13.0
EDC5022Teaching ESL Through Content 13.0
EDC5023Hist & Culture of Multilingual Learners 13.0
EDC5026Phonology & Structure of American Eng 13.0
EDC5027Literacy for Multilingual Learners 13.0
EDC5202Multicultural Literature for Children3.0
EDC6203Introduction to Wilson Reading System1.0
EDC6204Wilson Reading System Part 13.0
EDC6205Wilson Reading System Part 23.0
EDC6206Wilson Reading System Practicum A1.5
EDC6207Wilson Reading System Practicum B1.5
Total Credits31.0

Course needed for ESL Certification.

For more information on program requirements, consult the Graduate Catalog.

The Master of Education–Multisensory Literacy with Reading Specialist Certification program provides a pathway for educators to fully understand the latest research and practices in multisensory literacy through courses designed to engage them in working with learners with diverse literacy and language needs. Additionally, this program prepares certified teachers to be reading specialists and to use their expertise in reading in their classrooms or as a director or coach in a reading and literacy program in a school or district.

Based on the standards of the International Reading Association (IRA) for Reading Professionals, New Jersey Student Learning Standards for English/Language Arts Literacy (NJSLS for ELAL), and New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers (NJPST), the program builds expertise through courses in the theories and processes of reading and writing, diagnosis and remediation, assessment, best practice literacy instruction strategies, program evaluation, coaching techniques, and a practicum. These provide experiences for candidates to work with a variety of approaches and strategies and design, select, and use standard and alternate instruction, assessment, and coaching techniques that serve the needs of diverse students and educators.

All courses include a keystone assessment/artifact that demonstrates the accomplishment of course goals and the integration of acquired knowledge and skills.

Program completers earn a Master of Education degree; those who have completed two years of full-time teaching are eligible for New Jersey educational services certification as a reading specialist. Successful completion of courses and practicum will earn candidates Level 1 credentials through Wilson Reading System. This degree program is an opportunity for candidates to combine courses in Wilson Reading System with a NJ state-approved certification for reading specialists. This is an important combination of the most current literacy research with the certificate that encompasses a well-rounded preparation to work under this certification.

Course List
Code Title Credits
M.Ed., Multisensory Literacy with Reading Specialist Certification
EDC5027Literacy for Multilingual Learners3.0
EDC5201Nature of the Reading Process3.0
EDC5202Multicultural Literature for Children3.0
EDC5203Engaging Diverse Lrnrs in Rdg & Wtg3.0
EDC5204Articulation Superv & Eval of Read Prog3.0
EDC6084Reading Specialist Practicum3.0
EDC6201Assess & Diagnosis of Read Abilities3.0
EDC6202Rsrch-Based Techniq Correct Rding Chall3.0
EDC6203Introduction to Wilson Reading System1.0
EDC6204Wilson Reading System Part 13.0
EDC6205Wilson Reading System Part 23.0
EDC6206Wilson Reading System Practicum A1.5
EDC6207Wilson Reading System Practicum B1.5
Total Credits34.0

For more information on program requirements, consult the Graduate Catalog.

This 31-credit Master of Education program is designed for experienced and certified teachers who hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. Upon successful completion of the curriculum, the student is eligible for New Jersey certification as a teacher of students with disabilities. In addition to this certification, the student will be eligible for Wilson Level 1 credentials as a Dyslexia Practitioner. All courses include a keystone assessment/artifact that demonstrates the accomplishment of course goals and the integration of acquired knowledge and skills.

Candidates for this program must have completed a bachelor’s degree at an accredited college or university prior to applying. A standard certification or CEAS in P-3 or elementary is required for entrance into this program.

In addition to completing the courses listed below, students must earn a passing score on oral (OPI) and written English proficiency (WPT) examinations by the end of the program.

Course List
Code Title Credits
M.Ed., Multisensory Literacy with Teacher of Students with Disabilities Certification
EDC5030Educ Students w/Disab in LRE3.0
EDC5031Curr Plan Accom & Mod Students w/Disab3.0
EDC5032Comm Serv for Stdts at-Risk & w/ Except3.0
EDC5034Understanding Learning Disabilities3.0
EDC5037Psych & Ed Assess of Studnts w/ Disabl3.0
EDC5302Strategies Teach Students w/Aut & DevDis3.0
EDC5303Soc Communic Intervent Students w/ASD3.0
EDC6203Introduction to Wilson Reading System1.0
EDC6204Wilson Reading System Part 13.0
EDC6205Wilson Reading System Part 23.0
EDC6206Wilson Reading System Practicum A1.5
EDC6207Wilson Reading System Practicum B1.5
Total Credits31.0

For more information on program requirements, consult the Graduate Catalog.

Based on the standards of the International Reading Association (IRA) for Reading Professionals, New Jersey Student Learning Standards for English/Language Arts Literacy (NJSLS for ELAL), and New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers (NJPST), the program builds expertise through courses in the theories and processes of reading and writing, diagnosis and remediation, assessment, best practice literacy instruction strategies, program evaluation, coaching techniques, and a practicum. These provide experiences for candidates to work with a variety of approaches and strategies and design, select, and use standard and alternate instruction, assessment, and coaching techniques that serve the needs of diverse students and educators.

All courses include a keystone assessment/artifact that demonstrates the accomplishment of course goals and the integration of acquired knowledge and skills. As candidates progress toward program completion, their course artifacts are archived in an electronic or e-portfolio and monitored by program faculty to ensure and the state’s standards for novice reading specialists.

M.Ed.Reading/Literacy Specialization

Course List
Code Title Credits
M.Ed. Reading/Literacy Specialization
EDC5002Diversity in Inclusive Education3.0
EDC5027Literacy for Multilingual Learners3.0
EDC5034Understanding Learning Disabilities3.0
EDC5201Nature of the Reading Process3.0
EDC5202Multicultural Literature for Children3.0
EDC5203Engaging Diverse Lrnrs in Rdg & Wtg3.0
EDC5204Articulation Superv & Eval of Read Prog3.0
EDC6084Reading Specialist Practicum3.0
EDC6201Assess & Diagnosis of Read Abilities3.0
EDC6202Rsrch-Based Techniq Correct Rding Chall3.0
Total Credits30.0

Post-Master’s Reading Specialist certification 

Course List
Code Title Credits
Post-Master’s Reading Specialist Certification
EDC5201Nature of the Reading Process3.0
EDC5202Multicultural Literature for Children3.0
EDC5203Engaging Diverse Lrnrs in Rdg & Wtg3.0
EDC5204Articulation Superv & Eval of Read Prog3.0
EDC6084Reading Specialist Practicum3.0
EDC6201Assess & Diagnosis of Read Abilities3.0
EDC6202Rsrch-Based Techniq Correct Rding Chall3.0
Choose at least 9 credits from among the following:9.0
Diversity in Inclusive Education
Literacy for Multilingual Learners
Understanding Learning Disabilities
Nature & Needs Indivs w/Aut&PervasDevDis
Introduction to Wilson Reading System
Wilson Reading System Part 1
Wilson Reading System Part 2
Total Credits30.0

Exit Requirements for Post-Master’s Reading Specialist Certification: 

  • At least three years of documented successful teaching experience; and
  • A minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA

For more information on program requirements, consult the Graduate Catalog.

Georgian Court’s School Counseling program provides candidates a theoretical foundation for working with students individually and in groups and opportunities to develop skilled practice in the major functions of a school counselor. Early in the program, candidates complete a 100-hour observational practicum in a school setting as part of EDC6301 Foundations of School Counseling. This first field-based experience focuses on observation of the scope, issues, and practices associated with the professional practice of school counselors. It allows candidates early in their preparation to link theoretical knowledge to current practice and to develop reflective skills needed throughout their careers. In subsequent courses, knowledge and skills are built through modeling and in-class developmental skill building activities. Note: candidates who are not teachers are encouraged to obtain a substitute teacher credential during the program in order to get more experience with students and schools prior to their observational practicum.

The School Counseling internship is a 600-hour, 6-credit experience during which candidates take on greater responsibility for providing services to students and collaborating with other school personnel to create a positive environment for student development and success. Candidates typically engage in individual, small group, and large group counseling and development sessions on a broad range of topics (e.g., self-esteem, college choice, time and stress management) and participate fully in school counselor functions within the school and/or district including academic, personal-social, and career counseling; scheduling; transition services; test administration and analysis; and interventions prior to child study referrals. During the internship, candidates are mentored by school-based certified counselors and by GCU faculty members. The counseling interns are also supported by peers during the periodic seminars linked with the internship.

Throughout the internship experiences, candidates maintain logs of their hours, case studies, and summaries of each domain of school counseling documenting their experience. The case studies include reflective essays that link theory to practice, analyze situations and consider options, and evaluate outcomes.

*Student Assistance Coordinator (SAC) courses (6 courses – 18 credits) are embedded in the M.Ed. School Counseling program. Students wishing to pursue the SAC NJDOE certification will graduate with their M.Ed. School Counseling and apply to the SAC program in order to take the final course, EDC6096 Substance Assistance Coord. Internship.

Master of Education

Course List
Code Title Credits
EDC5001Philo & Psych Found of Incl Ed3.0
EDC5010Curr Leadership for the Incl Sch3.0
EDC5014Methods of Res for Leaders in Incl Sch3.0
EDC5032Comm Serv for Stdts at-Risk & w/ Except3.0
EDC5037Psych & Ed Assess of Studnts w/ Disabl3.0
EDC5038Psychology of the Exceptional Child3.0
EDC5040Counseling Diverse Populations3.0
EDC5101School Law3.0
EDC6092School Counseling Internship I3.0
EDC6093School Counseling Internship II3.0
EDC6301Foundations of School Counseling3.0
EDC6302Theory & Procedures of Counseling3.0
EDC6303Counseling & Interview Techniques3.0
EDC6304Career Counseling & Development3.0
EDC6307Substance Abuse Counseling I3.0
EDC6308Substance Abuse Counseling II3.0
Total Credits48.0

For more information on program requirements, consult the Graduate Catalog.

The 21 credit Student Assistance Coordinator Program (SAC) prepares individuals for the broad range of responsibilities in PK-12 school districts across the State of New Jersey. The 21 credit certification program leads to eligibility for a New Jersey educational services endorsement as a SAC. The SAC works with students, families, and community resources regarding substance abuse related issues, social and emotional issues, behavioral issues, and crisis intervention and response. The SAC additional responsibilities include examining curriculum development, staff training, policy review, counseling and related services, community relationships and consultation, and implementation of other interventions needed to support students.

*Student Assistance Coordinator (SAC) courses (6 courses – 18 credits) are embedded in the M.Ed. School Counseling program. Students wishing to pursue the SAC NJDOE certification will graduate with their M.Ed. School Counseling and apply to the SAC program in order to take the final course, EDC6096 Substance Assistance Coord. Internship.

Course List
Code Title Credits
Student Assistance Coordinator (SAC) Program
EDC5010Curr Leadership for the Incl Sch3.0
EDC5032Comm Serv for Stdts at-Risk & w/ Except3.0
EDC5040Counseling Diverse Populations3.0
EDC5101School Law3.0
EDC6096Substance Assistance Coord. Internship3.0
EDC6307Substance Abuse Counseling I3.0
EDC6308Substance Abuse Counseling II3.0
Total Credits21.0

For more information on program requirements, consult the Graduate Catalog.

The Teacher of Students with Disabilities program prepares already certified general education teachers seeking to teach students with disabilities in inclusive and special education settings. The 21-credit graduate program leads to eligibility for endorsement as a Teacher of Students with Disabilities (TOSD) in the level and for the subject(s) of the instructional certificate. The program is aligned with the standards of the Council for Exceptional Children, the New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers (NJPST), and the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards.

An additional 15 credits are needed to qualify for a Master of Education degree. Students who want to pursue this option should see their advisor prior to finishing the program.

Course List
Code Title Credits
TOSD Endorsement Program
EDC5030Educ Students w/Disab in LRE3.0
EDC5031Curr Plan Accom & Mod Students w/Disab 13.0
EDC5032Comm Serv for Stdts at-Risk & w/ Except 13.0
EDC5034Understanding Learning Disabilities 23.0
EDC5037Psych & Ed Assess of Studnts w/ Disabl3.0
EDC5302Strategies Teach Students w/Aut & DevDis 23.0
EDC5303Soc Communic Intervent Students w/ASD3.0
Total Credits21.0

Requires 15 hours of clinical experience.


Requires 10 hours of clinical experience.

Additional courses required for master’s degree:

Course List
Code Title Credits
EDC5014Methods of Res for Leaders in Incl Sch3.0
EDC5304Assess & Curr Inter for Autism Spec Dis3.0
EDC5305Intervent & Supports Level 1 Char ASD3.0
EDC6095Project Applied Thesis I3.0
EDC6099Project Applied Thesis II3.0
Total Credits15.0

For more information on program requirements, consult the Graduate Catalog.

Explore programs related to Georgian Court University’s Advanced & Educational Services programs:

Graduate Education Administration & Leadership programs: Advance your career in the education field as a principal or school business administrator by learning directly from recent New Jersey superintendents and New Jersey Department of Education professionals at Georgian Court University. All Administration & Leadership students benefit from personal attention from faculty, helping you leverage your leadership acumen and educational background as you set organization-wide strategies, take a hands-on approach to managing operations, and direct the entire community to success. More information about our Administration & Leadership Programs can be found here.

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Where Can GCU’s
Educational & Advanced Services Programs Take You?

New Jersey is home to some of the country’s most robust standards for educators. At Georgian Court University, you’ll learn from educators who have helped to shape those standards and will help you become prepared to empower your students to reach their fullest potential. With shortages of educators qualified to teach under special circumstances, a degree from GCU’s Educational & Advanced Services programs can help you stand out in the job market. And with access to GCU’s Career Services, you’ll have everything you need as you begin to plan the next phase of your teaching career.

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Georgian Court University
900 Lakewood Avenue
Lakewood, NJ 08701
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Contact Information

Office of Graduate Admissions
Phone: 732-987-2770

Office Hours

  • Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Saturday: *By appointment only
  • Sunday: Closed

*Check tour schedule for specific dates/times.

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