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Student-Faculty Research

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student presenting at Academic Excellence Celebration

Go further with your major. Apply your learning through research projects and faculty mentorship.

Student-Faculty Research at

Georgian Court

Participating in academic research is one of the best ways to collaborate with GCU faculty while enhancing your personal and professional development. You can work on your own project under the guidance of a faculty member or get individual mentorship from a professor while assisting with their research.

GCU offers student-faculty research opportunities that give you the chance to:

  • Engage in academic inquiry outside the classroom
  • Explore real-life application of knowledge within your chosen major
  • Gain valuable skills relevant to your career goals.

Every year, we hold an Academic Excellence Celebration to show how students and faculty come together to pursue in-depth research. We’re also committed to highlighting student scholarly activities as well as faculty research and scholarship happening across the GCU campus.

Are you interested in student-faculty research? Or do you want to get involved in the Annual Academic Excellence Celebration? To learn more, contact us at, call 732-987-2306, or visit us in Jeffries Hall.

The Annual Excellence Celebration program is arranged by the following faculty and staff:

Louise Wootton

Academic Excellence Celebration

Each year, we proudly celebrate the scholarly pursuits, creative works, and research findings of GCU students and their faculty mentors. These projects analyze important topics and issues from literature, history, culture, politics, education, and more.

Recent projects have covered an array of subjects, such as face covering practices during the pandemic, the fair trade of chocolate, and the history of the animal rights movement.

To see your fellow students present their research, visit our YouTube playlist.

Browse Student-Faculty Research Projects

Find all the papers, posters, and recorded presentations that were submitted to the Academic Excellence Celebration. Learn something new from past participants, see which faculty members have functioned as mentors, or discover inspiration for your own research project. Each work will open as a PDF.

Student AuthorsFaculty MentorsDepartmentTitle
Catherine JohnsonPamela Rader, Ph.D.Department of EnglishInterdisciplinary Approach to Medieval Literature Through Art and Music
Video One, Video Two
Frances Anne SimmersPamela Rader, Ph.D.Department of EnglishMy Excerpts of Poetry
Jhelaine PaloEduard Bitto, Ph.D.Department of Chemistry and BiochemistryMolecular Dynamics Simulation using YASARA Software
Rachel ZigrestSilvana CardellDepartment of DanceLocation Selection
Juliette MargoliesPaul Capucci, Ph.D.Department of EnglishMovement Beyond the Page: Walt Whitman, Isadora Duncan, and the Beginning of Modern Dance

Student AuthorsFaculty MentorsDepartmentTitle
Alexis Hahn, Jhelaine Palo, Efraim Shkarofsky, Jessica Bis, Jasmin Shaheed, and Robyn BillareulJean Parry, Ph.D. and Jessica Lisa, Ph.D.Department of BiologyAn Examination of Gut Microbiome Alterations in Response to Microplastics Exposure
Jana Borkovic and Jaison-Ashley PlevaKaren Kelly, Ph.D.Department of Psychology and CounselingEffects of Social Meida Images on Mood, Self-Esteem, Body Image: Do Cute Images Make Us Happy?
Erica PartenfelderMegan Sherman, Ph.D.Department of Social Work and GerontologyThe Benefits of the Collaboration Between Police Officers and Social Workers
Jennifer MatthewsPrasad Lakkaraju, Ph.D., Beth Schaefer, Ph.D., and Sarita Nemani, Ph.D.Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department of Physics, and Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Carbon Nanodots: Structural and Electronic Insights Using Infrared and Fluorescence Spectroscopy Techniques
Casey KormanVincent Chen, Ph.D.Department of Integrative Health and Exericse ScienceThe Effects of Blow Flow Restriction (BFR) on Leg Electromyogram (EMG)
Nicole DiFoglioHeather Taovsky, Psy.D.Department of Psychology and CounselingMeaningful Transition Supports for Graduating Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Gabriele Balkius, Casey Korman, Joseph Sauchelli, Joseph Liberatore, and Mathias MadersbacherVincent Chen, Ph.D.Department of Integrative Health and Exericse ScienceExaming Gender Differences within the Effects of Blood Flow Restriction on Peak Power and Electromyography
Joseph Liberatore, Casey Korman, Mathias Madersbacher, Joseph Sauchelli, and Garbrielle BalkiusVincent Chen, Ph.D.Department of Integrative Health and Exericse ScienceThe Effects of Blow Flow Restriction (BFR) on Peak Power in Athletes of Different Sports
Joseph SauchelliVincent Chen, Ph.D.Department of Integrative Health and Exericse ScienceThe Effects of Blow Flow Restriction (BFR) on Leg Muscular Peak Power
Victoria BlackKristen Park Wedlock, M.F.A.Department of EnglishPanic Prose – Attention, Narrative, and Memory during Crisis
Mathias Madersbacher, Casey Korman, Gabriele Balkius, Joseph Sauchelli, and Joseph LiberatoreVincent Chen, Ph.D.Department of Integrative Health and Exericse ScienceThe Correlation between Body Composition and Peak Power Output
Amanda RicciEvelyn Quinn, M.S.W.Department of Social Work and GerontologyPolicy Priority: Mandating Annual Suicide Prevention Training for School Personnel (K-12)
Diana GallegoChinenye Anako, M.D., M.P.H.Department of BiologyThe Effect of Physical Activity on the Balance of the Autonomic Nervous System
Aya AbdoChinenye Anako, M.D., M.P.H.Department of BiologyThe Effect of Depression on the Balance of the Autonomic Nervous System

Student AuthorsFaculty MentorsDepartmentTitle
George MalgeriJessica Keene, Ph.D.Department of History and Political ScienceThe Codification of Racism
George MalgeriScott Bennett, Ph.D.Department of History and Political ScienceCrisis in Yemen, Civil War in Yemen, and Yeme as a Proxy: How a Domestic Conflict Became Exploited to Benefit Foreign Powers
Jack MilneMeera Behera, Ph.D.Department of Business AdministrationAirline Seasonality Trends
Nicole RussoScott Bennett, Ph.D.Department of History and Political ScienceArthur F. Raper: The New Deal from The Old South to The New South
Noemi OlavarriaLindiwe Magaya, Ph.D.Department of Educational Services and Advance ProgramsTeachers’ Knowledge, Perception, and Implementation of Multisensory Strategies in the Classroom
Mike ThomasBeth Schaefer, Ph.D.Department of PhysicsReader’s Guide to Fossil Fuel Dependency and Hydraulic Fracturing
Kendra Paige LucasMegan Sherman, Ph.D.Department of Social Work and GerontologyHow PTSD Affects Marines