Accepted Students Day

Sat, April 15

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Commencement Ceremony

Undergraduate Commencement 2023

Commencement Ceremony

Graduate Commencement 2023


Baccalaureate Mass 2023

Candid Photos from

Candid Photos from Commencement 2023

Commencement Honorary
Degree Reception

Commencement VIP Reception 2023


Commencement Ceremony

Commencement Ceremony


Program (pdf)

Program (pdf)

We look forward to celebrating your continued success at the Commencement 2023 Ceremonies. Everything you need to know, from how to register to participate in the ceremonies to where to pick up your caps and gowns can be found below. We’re excited to celebrate with you and your families!

The Details

You MUST order your academic attire. If you are planning to attend the ceremony, this will serve as your RSVP to the Commencement Ceremony. If you are not planning to attend the ceremony, no order is expected and you are not expected to inform anyone that you are not attending the Commencement Ceremony.

It will only take a few seconds to order. Order your attire by clicking on the Cap and Gown 2023 link here ( OR in the Student Links section, beginning February 20, but NO LATER THAN March 17. You should order as soon as possible.

If you miss the March 17 deadline, e-mail, at which time a) you will be given instructions on how to proceed, and b) a $25 late fee will be collected. Late orders may not arrive until the morning of commencement.

The following are guidelines to ensure the Commencement Ceremonies are celebrated with dignity:

  • Academic attire for graduates consists of a black gown, a colored hood, and a cap with a tassel.
  • Bachelor’s-degree candidates: the tassel should be worn to the right. Master’s- and doctoral-degree candidates: the tassel should be worn to the left.
  • If you are eligible to wear an academic cord, the appropriate department or honor society will give it to you, not the University Bookstore.
  • When choosing shoes, graduates should remember that the procession walks down to the Apollo Fountain, up past Maria Hall on the road, then onto the grass.
  • Nothing should be worn on your academic attire or affixed to it, such as corsages, pins, or taped messages. You will be asked to remove such items during the lineup.
  • Purses and other personal items should be left with your guests; there will not be a location to secure them.
  • GCU staff will assist with your academic hood during the lineup.

Try on and press academic attire before May 17—gowns will be wrinkled!

The undergraduate outdoor Commencement Ceremony will begin at 1:30 p.m., rain or shine. The graduate outdoor Commencement Ceremony will begin at 5:30 p.m., rain or shine. However, in the event of a prediction of severe weather, such as thunderstorms, high winds, or a dangerous heat index, a contingency plan will be enacted as follows: the undergraduate ceremony (for bachelor’s-degree candidates) will be in the Wellness Center Arena at 1:30 p.m., and the graduate ceremony (for master’s and doctoral-degree candidates) will be in the Wellness Center Arena at 5:30 p.m.

There is NO limit on guests if the ceremony is outdoors.

In the case of severe weather ONLY, there is limit of three guests per undergraduate and eight per graduate.

Seating capacity in the Arena is limited, so only complete parties would be permitted entrance. All guests of the graduate would be granted entrance once, as a complete group, after which any following guests would be directed to the simulcast rooms. Simulcast will be in the North Dining Room and Marron Chapel.

Students will be notified by 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 16 if the severe weather contingency will be necessary. Complete parties for the Undergraduate Ceremony are three guests per graduate (bachelor’s-degree candidates) and eight guests for the Graduate Ceremony (master’s and doctoral-degree candidates).

Graduates must report to Jeffries Hall wearing their cap, gown, and hood ON TIME. Graduates will be told where their line-up assignment is on the day of the ceremony. Graduates who arrive after the procession has begun will be seated after the National Anthem and Invocation.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Students will be notified via Connect-Ed and at 10:00 a.m. IF the severe weather contingency plan is enacted. If no notification is made, the undergraduate and graduate ceremonies will be held outdoors on May 17.

10:00 a.m.Baccalaureate MassArena
12:30 p.m.Graduates report to line-up assignmentsJeffries Hall
1:10 p.m.Academic Procession to fountain begins
All guests must be in their seats
1:30 p.m.Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony beginsSoccer Field
3:30 p.m.Light refreshmentsMansion & Apollo Fountain
10:00 a.m.Baccalaureate MassArena
11:15 a.m.Arena closesArena
11:45 a.m.Doors open for limited guestsArena
11:45 a.m.Simulcast opens for guestsNorth Dining Room & Marron Chapel
12:30 p.m.Graduates report to line-up assignmentsJeffries Hall
1:05 p.m.Doors close until after National Anthem & InvocationArena
1:10 p.m.Academic Procession begins
1:30 p.m.Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony beginsArena
10:00 a.m.Baccalaureate MassArena
4:30 p.m.Graduates report to line-up assignmentsJeffries Hall
5:10 p.m.Academic Procession to fountain begins
All guests must be in their seats
5:30 p.m.Graduate Commencement Ceremony beginsSoccer Field
6:30 p.m.Light refreshmentsMansion & Apollo Fountain
10:00 a.m.Baccalaureate MassArena
11:15 a.m.Arena closesArena
4:00 p.m.Doors open for limited guests Arena
4:00 p.m.Simulcast opens for guestsNorth Dining Room & Marron Chapel
4:30 p.m.Graduates report to line-up assignmentsJeffries Hall
5:05 p.m.Doors close until after National Anthem & InvocationArena
5:10 p.m.Academic Procession begins
5:30 p.m.Graduate Commencement Ceremony beginsArena

Special Notice:
To comply with the fire code, for the Commencement Ceremonies, only the allotted number of guests will be permitted into the arena. Guests beyond the allotted number are welcome to view the ceremony via simulcast in the North Dining Room or Marron Chapel, both of which are air-conditioned. Guests allowed entrance into the arena will be seated on bleachers. We suggest that guests who need ample seating or who have difficulty walking, climbing bleacher stairs, or sitting on bleacher seats view the ceremony in one of the simulcast locations.

Professional Photos at the Event
Georgian Court University’s marketing team, PSC (Princeton Strategic Communications), will provide ceremony photography. Photography will be posted on social media in the days following the ceremony, so keep an eye out!

Class Rings
Representatives from Josten’s will be on campus on several spring dates.

If mispronunciation of your name is a frequent problem for you, please e-mail the phonetic pronunciation of your name to by May 8.

Working graduates who need documentation of Commencement to request time off should contact the Office of Conferences and Special Events at 732-987-2263 or for an official letter by May 8.

Academic Eligibility to Participate
The university holds a Commencement Ceremony in May of each year when May graduates and graduates from the preceding August and December can participate. Students who have completed all requirements for graduation are eligible to participate in the ceremony. Review all graduation requirements at

You must apply for a graduation audit (Undergraduate Application | Graduate Application) to have your degree conferred and to receive a diploma. A graduation audit is required whether you plan to participate in the Commencement Ceremony.

Students who wish to participate in Commencement 2023 but fall under one of the following two situations may complete a Request to Participate in Commencement 2023 Without Having Met Degree Requirements Form: (a) lack no more than 7 credits of those required to complete their degree program, or (b) have two majors (or a major and a minor) and are lacking no more than 7 credits of those required to complete their first major degree program, and have progressed far enough in the second major or the minor that it can be reasonably expected that they will graduate in the August or December term after the Commencement Ceremony. The student MUST complete an application for graduation audit for the future term as expected. Please note that completed Request to Participate forms received by the Office of the Registrar after the March 31, 2023, deadline listed on the form will NOT be processed.

Student Accounts/Name on Diplomas
Prospective graduates who have an outstanding tuition/fees balance as of 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 10, will NOT be permitted to walk in their ceremony and will NOT receive a diploma. Contact the Office of Student Accounts at 732-987-2295 during business hours to ensure your account is up to date.

The name on your diploma will appear exactly as reflected in Self-Service. If you wish your name to appear differently, submit a Change of Information Form and additional documents, if needed, to the Office of the Registrar by May 1st. This includes the addition of a middle name.

Diplomas will be mailed directly to the student’s home address as listed on the official record. Please check that this information is correct through Self-Service.

Degree Honors
For undergraduates, degree honors are awarded based on your cumulative grade point average earned at GCU. At least 60 credits must be earned at GCU to be eligible for degree honors. Degree honors will appear on your diploma. The required minimum GPAs are as follows:

  • Summa cum laude: 3.9
  • Magna cum laude: 3.75
  • Cum laude: 3.6

Wednesday, May 17, 2023 • 10:00 a.m. • Wellness Center
We encourage all of our graduates and their loved ones, of all faiths, to attend. It is a beautiful opportunity to reflect on your academic journey at Georgian Court and to ask for God’s blessing as you enter the next chapter of your life. Academic attire is not required at Mass.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023
The Commencement Ceremonies will be held on the Lakewood campus of Georgian Court University, 503 Ninth Street, Lakewood 08701. The undergraduate ceremony will be at 1:30 p.m.; the graduate ceremony will be at 5:30 p.m.


This annual event is for GCU graduating students to celebrate their successes in their academic career and to help prepare for Commencement Day.

GCU, in cooperation with our academic attire vendor, Josten’s, will be hosting a celebration event in the McAuley Heritage Center Courtyard on Thursday, May 11 from 1 p.m. – 6 p.m. At this event, you will be able to pick up your academic attire, enjoy light refreshments, and make sure you are set for Commencement Day. More details are to be announced, so please monitor your GCU e-mail along with the website.

The Office of Alumni Relations will sponsor the Champagne Toast on Thursday, May 11 from 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in the Mansion. Please join President Marbach and other faculty and staff to toast your celebrations! There will be beer and wine for those 21 and up, light refreshments, and a DJ. RSVPs are strongly encouraged, so please follow this link.

These two events will be a celebration of your upcoming graduation and your successes over the course of your academic career. The Office of Alumni Relations and many GCU alumni will welcome you. You will be able to try on your academic attire before you take it home and purchase graduation items. Your academic attire MIGHT NOT be available at this event if you do not order by the March 17, 2023 deadline.

If you cannot attend this event, the University Bookstore will have some dates with extended hours, which will be posted on the website, for when you can pick up your academic attire.

Commencement academic attire must be picked up in person, by the graduates themselves, with a current GCU student ID or state-issued ID.

Students at GCU@Brookdale: Pick up your academic attire and Commencement packets at the Lakewood campus. Follow the instructions above.

Students at GCU@RCSJ-Cumberland: If you do not attend the Celebration of Success, your academic attire will be distributed by a faculty member at your site after May 11.

February 21
Start date to order your cap and gown.

March 17
Deadline to order your cap and gown without incurring a $25 late fee.

May 1
Deadline to provide name change and address updates for your diploma. Diplomas will be mailed out to graduate home address as listed on the student account within 6-8 weeks of the ceremony.

May 8
Deadline for notifying the Office of Conferences and Special Events about graduate or guest special needs accommodations at or 732-987-2263.

May 11
Celebration of Success in the McAuley Courtyard & North Dining Room from 1pm-6pm.

May 11
The Champagne Toast 5:30pm-8:30pm in the Mansion.

May 16
Weather Contingency Notice emailed and sent through connect Ed (if necessary).

May 17
Commencement Ceremonies.

Guests will be subject to security checks by GCU Campus Safety and Lakewood Police officers before entering the Commencement venue. Air horns, fireworks, canned strings, balloons, drones, and any other items that would diminish the experience for all guests and graduates will be confiscated.

Weapons of any kind are NOT permitted on the premises.

The university attempts full compliance with ADA regulations. Trained and certified working service dogs are always welcome on our campus; however, “emotional support” and “therapy pets” are NOT permitted at public events or athletic competitions. Please visit to view a summary of the law. Guests without trained and certified working service dogs will be asked to remove their animals from the campus.

Any questions or concerns should be directed to the Office of Conferences and Special Events at or 732-987-2263.

Parking on campus is limited, so we highly encourage guests and graduates to carpool. A maximum number of two cars per graduate is permitted. Once lots are full, vehicles will need to be parked on the street outside the campus.

Entry to campus will halt when the Academic Procession begins moving from the lineup to the Commencement venue. Please plan your arrival accordingly.

NOTE: Lakewood Avenue will be designated one-way going southbound, beginning at 7:30 a.m. There will be no access to the Main Entrance from North Lake Drive.

Special needs accommodations should be requested through the Office of Conferences and Special Events at 732-987-2263 or by May 8.

Outdoor Ceremony—Weather Permitting
Special needs guests will have the opportunity to be seated in a designated section. This area is located under the trees, off to the side.

Indoor Ceremonies—Severe Weather Conditions
Guests with special needs will be seated in an open area in the rear of the arena. Due to limited space, only the special needs guests will be seated in this area; all other guests will be in the bleachers.

Flowers from the Office of Alumni Relations will be available for purchase outside the venue.

Professional Photos at the Event
Ceremony photography will be provided by PSC (Princeton Strategic Communications). Please check social media and the GCU webpage after Commencement for the photographs.

Hotel accommodations are available, but you should book early and ask for the GCU corporate rate. Contact any of these establishments directly. The corporate rate is not available for online reservations.

Hilton Garden Inn
6.8 miles from GCU
1885 Route 70, Lakewood

Schedule of Events

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Celebration of Success & Champagne Toast


This annual event is for GCU graduating students to celebrate their successes in their academic career and to help prepare for Commencement Day.

GCU, in cooperation with our academic attire vendor, Josten’s, will be hosting a celebration event in the McAuley Heritage Center Courtyard on Thursday, May 11 from 1 p.m. – 6 p.m. At this event, you will be able to pick up your academic attire, enjoy light refreshments, and make sure you are set for Commencement Day. More details are to be announced, so please monitor your GCU e-mail along with the website.

The Office of Alumni Relations will sponsor the Champagne Toast on Thursday, May 11 from 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in the Mansion. Please join President Marbach and other faculty and staff to toast your celebrations! There will be beer and wine for those 21 and up, light refreshments, and a DJ. RSVPs are strongly encouraged, so please follow this link.

These two events will be a celebration of your upcoming graduation and your successes over the course of your academic career. The Office of Alumni Relations and many GCU alumni will welcome you. You will be able to try on your academic attire before you take it home and purchase graduation items. Your academic attire MIGHT NOT be available at this event if you do not order by the March 17, 2023 deadline.

If you cannot attend this event, the University Bookstore will have some dates with extended hours, which will be posted on the website, for when you can pick up your academic attire.

Commencement academic attire must be picked up in person, by the graduates themselves, with a current GCU student ID or state-issued ID.

Students at GCU@Brookdale: Pick up your academic attire and Commencement packets at the Lakewood campus. Follow the instructions above.

Students at GCU@RCSJ-Cumberland: If you do not attend the Celebration of Success, your academic attire will be distributed by a faculty member at your site after May 11.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Baccalaureate Mass

10:00 a.m.: Wellness Center Arena
Guests and graduates of all faiths are welcome. Tickets not required.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony—WEATHER PERMITTING

1:30 p.m.: Soccer Field
Light Refreshments

3:30 p.m.: Apollo Fountain & Mansion

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony—SEVERE WEATHER ONLY

1:30 p.m.: Wellness Center Arena
For the Undergraduate Ceremony, only three guests per graduate will be admitted into the Arena. Only complete parties will be permitted entrance. All guests of the graduate would be granted entrance once, as a complete group, after which any following guests would be directed to the simulcast rooms. Simulcast will be at the North Dining Room and Marron Chapel. Simulcast will be rain or shine.

3:30 p.m.: Apollo Fountain & Mansion
Light Refreshments

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Graduate Commencement Ceremony—WEATHER PERMITTING

5:30 p.m.: Soccer Field
Light Refreshments

6:30 p.m.: Apollo Fountain & Mansion

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Graduate Commencement Ceremony—SEVERE WEATHER ONLY

5:30 p.m.: Wellness Center Arena
Only eight guests per graduate will be admitted into the Arena for the Graduate Ceremony. Only complete parties will be permitted entrance. All guests of the graduate would be granted entrance once, as a complete group, after which any following guests would be directed to the simulcast rooms. Simulcast will be at the North Dining Room and Marron Chapel. Simulcast will be rain or shine.

6:30 p.m.: Apollo Fountain & Mansion
Light Refreshments

Past Commencement Events

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019