Graduation Requirements

Please do not confuse Graduation with Commencement. We have three graduation (degree completion) terms (May, August, and December [and February for ABSN only]) and one Commencement ceremony (May).
The university holds a Commencement ceremony in May of each year when May graduates and graduates from the preceding August, December, and (ABSN only) February can participate. Only students who have completed all requirements for graduation are eligible to participate in the ceremony. The Commencement ceremony is open to students earning a degree. Students completing requirements for a non-degree program, such as a certificate, are not eligible to participate in the Commencement ceremony.
Students who have completed all requirements for graduation except for a few credits should consult the university’s Commencement Web page three months prior to May Commencement for the current policy regarding participation.
Graduation Requirements - all students
Application for Graduation
You must apply for graduation (completion of degree) by the applicable deadline whether or not you plan to participate in the Commencement ceremony.
The Application for Graduation (completion of degree) is now online in Self Service under the Planning tab. Please be advised of the deadlines:
Due | Last Day Can Submit |
May graduation | July 1 | February 1 |
August graduation | February 1 | June 1 |
December graduation | May 1 | October 1 |
A $60.00 late fee is applied to all graduation applications submitted once a graduating semester has begun. Graduation applications are not permitted past the last day to submit. After you have applied for graduation, the Office of the Registrar will perform a preliminary academic audit of your record. You must pass the preliminary academic audit to maintain eligibility in graduation. Failure to follow your academic audit results will cause removal from graduation eligibility. Refer to deadlines in the academic audit.
Academic audits will be e-mailed to your GCU e-mail. If you have any questions about the academic audit, contact your advisor. If you believe an error was made in your academic audit, you must submit a written notification to our office –
If you change your graduation date after applying, e-mail to cancel your current graduation application. You will then need to submit a new graduation application for a future term by the last day to submit.
Undergraduate Academic Requirements
Undergraduate Program
Students are held to the requirements in effect in the catalog at the time of their last matriculating acceptance to GCU. Please refer to the catalog of your last matriculation for degree requirements.
Every candidate for a B.A., B.F.A., B.S., B.S.W., or B.S.N. degree must complete a minimum of 120 credit hours to qualify for graduation.
A minimum cumulative grade point average of C (2.0 GPA) must be maintained. Unless otherwise indicated for a specific major, a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 must be maintained in the major field.
It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that all university requirements, as listed in the GCU catalog of the semester/year of last matriculated acceptance, are fulfilled and that proper course registration is submitted.
Degree Honors
At least 60 credits must be earned at Georgian Court University to be eligible for degree honors. (Only credits taken at Georgian Court, a minimum of 60, will be used in this evaluation.) Students in a Georgian Court degree completion program at Brookdale’s Hazlet location or at RCSJ-Cumberland Campus must earn at least 48 credits at Georgian Court University in courses graded A–F (P grades not applicable) to be eligible for degree honors.
The bachelor’s degree is awarded with honors to students who meet the following minimum requirements: 3.6 cumulative grade point average (CGPA)–cum laude, 3.75 CGPA–magna cum laude and 3.9 CGPA–summa cum laude.
Request for Substitution/Waiver of a Required Course
A substituted or waived course will not be adjusted on an official record without the Request for Substitution or Waiver of Program/Major Requirement Form.
Undergraduate Minor/Concentration Verification Form
A minor is not required to graduate. All declared minors and/or concentrations must be certified on the proper form by the chairperson of the department and submitted by the student to the Office of the Registrar in order to be included on a final transcript. Click here for the Verification of Minor/Concentration form.
Graduate Academic Requirements
Graduate Program
Students are held to the requirements in effect in the graduate catalog at the time of their last matriculating (degree seeking) acceptance to GCU. Please refer to the catalog of your last matriculation for degree requirements.
Successful completion of specified credits for each program is required. An overall average of B (3.0 cumulative GPA) must be maintained.
You must submit a written request and submit transcripts to the Office of the Registrar if you want previous graduate credits to be added on an official record. Our office will review for acceptability and forward to the appropriate chairperson for content review; you will be informed in writing of their decision. The university will accept up to 6 credits of your graduate work from another accredited institution toward fulfillment of the program requirements at GCU. Courses acceptable for transfer should be closely similar or comparable to Georgian Court courses, must have been taken within the last five years, and you must have earned over a B or better in the course.
It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that all university requirements, as listed in the GCU catalog of the semester/year of last matriculated acceptance, are fulfilled and that proper course registration is submitted.
Request for Substitution/Waiver of a Required Course
A substituted or waived course will not be adjusted on an official record without the Request for Substitution or Waiver of Program/Major Requirement Form.
All Students
Name on Diploma
The name on your diploma will appear exactly as reflected in our official records. If you wish your name to appear differently, submit a Name Change Form by the due date listed on your academic audit. This includes the addition of a middle name.
Diploma Translations
Prior to May 2020, all Georgian Court University diplomas were printed in the original Latin. Here is the English translation:
The Trustees of Georgian Court University
to each and all it may concern
a Greeting in the Lord
we declare to those present that
(student’s name)
having duly fulfilled the prerequisites is awarded the degree of
this section has your particular degree, see below for translation)
and we have accorded all the rights
and privileges pertaining to this degree.
Furthermore, we confirm this, having affixed to the
Diploma, the seal of the University and the signature of the President.
Conferred at the University in Lakewood in the State of New Jersey, on the (date) of the month
of (month) in this (year) of our Lord.
Bachelor of Arts | Baccalaurei in Artibus |
Bachelor of Fine Arts | Baccalaurei in Artibus Elegantioribus |
Bachelor of Science | Baccalaurei in Scientia |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing | Baccalaurei in Scientia Curationis Medicinalis |
Bachelor of Social Work | Baccalaurei in Opera Sociali |
Master of Arts | Artium Magistratum |
Master of Science | Scientiae Magistratum |
Master of Business Administration | Magistri Negotia Administrandi |