Institutional Assessment and Accreditation

GCU MSCHE Accreditation Steering Committee
Georgian Court University received re-affirmation of MSCHE accreditation in June 2019 with its submittal of its Self-Study, related documents, and Executive Summary. To continue to monitor its compliance with the MSCHE Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation, GCU has established a Steering Committee for MSCHE Accreditation. This steering committee serves to continue to collect data as evidence of compliance and oversees the university’s response to continual improvement related to these standards and accreditation actions.
Georgian Court University
MSCHE (Middle States Commission on Higher Education) Accreditation Steering Committee
The GCU MSCHE Accreditation Steering Committee serves to monitor and report on the university’s compliance with the commission’s Requirements of Affiliation and Standards of Accreditation (see Its members are chosen from the university community and represent a broad spectrum of faculty, staff, and administrators. The members periodically review the evidence of compliance and report on such at scheduled meetings. Issues related to possible noncompliance are reported to the President’s Cabinet. The committee also reviews any extra-ordinary reports required by the commission and contributes to the Annual Institutional Update (AIU).
The steering committee’s members are appointed by the president, who also appoints the chair/co-chairs. Members serve terms of three to five years, renewable. Generally, there are two members assigned to each of the seven Standards, in addition to the chair or co-chairs of the committee. Subcommittees are formed as needed. Additional members may be added for specific duties such as the writing of a self-study and reports. The assistant vice president for university assessment (AVPUA) and the accreditation liaison officer (ALO) are members of this committee by the function of their office or role.
The committee meets regularly as determined by the chair. A minimum of four (4) meetings annually is expected.
GCU MSCHE Accreditation Steering Committee | |||
Role | Member | Position | Term Start Date |
Co-Chairs: | Timothy Briles, Ed.D. | Faculty, School of Education, Chair of the Advanced Education Studies & Graduate Director for Administration & Leadership; Assistant to the President; NCAA Faculty Rep; Associate Professor | Fall 2021 (5 years, 2nd term) |
Janet Thiel, OSF, Ph.D. (ex-officio) | Associate Vice President University Assessment | Fall 2016 | |
Standard I: Mission and Goals | Jeffrey Schaffer | Executive Director of Mission and Ministry | Fall 2023 (5 years) |
Jonathan Kim-Reuter, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Philosophy | Spring 2024 (3 years) |
Standard II: Ethics and Integrity | JoAnn Cummings, Ph.D. | Faculty School of Nursing and Wellness, Associate Professor of Nursing; Director of MSN Program | Fall 2022 (5 years, 2nd term) |
Lori Thomas | Associate Vice President, Development & External Relations | Spring 2023 (4 years) |
Standard III: Design and Delivery of the Student Learning Experience | Mary Chinery, Ph.D. | Dean, School of Arts & Sciences | Fall 2022 (5 years) |
Anthony Brano, Ph.D. | Faculty, School of Arts and Sciences, Associate Professor; Director for GCU Writing Program/Writing Intensive, Director of Writing Center | Fall 2022 (5 years) |
Standard IV: Support of the Student Experience | Luana Fahr | Director of Office of Student Success and Academic Support | Fall 2022 (5 years) |
Kristina Ortiz | Assistant Director of Athletics for Compliance | Fall 2022 (3 years) |
Standard V: Educational Effectiveness Assessment | Michael Gross, Ph.D. (ex-officio, ALO) | Associate Provost for Academic Program Dev; Professor of Biology; Director of Arboretum | Fall 2016 |
Schyler LaMattina | Director of Assessment & Certification | Fall 2024 (5 years) |
Standard VI: Planning, Resources and Institutional Improvement | Kayla Jackson | Budget Manager | Spring 2024 (5 years) |
Michael Pawlish, Ph.D. | Faculty, School of Business & Digital Media, Assistant Professor of Management; Advising Fellow | Fall 2022 (5 years) |
Standard VII: Governance, Leadership, and Administration | Cheryl Rivers | Director Career Services | Fall 2023 (5 years) |
Matt Manfra | Vice President for Institutional Advancement | Fall 2020 (4 years) |
Assessment of University Units
Periodic assessment of the effectiveness of all areas of the university, addressed within the context of its mission and goals, is an expectation that ensures the institution meets the quality assurances and standards of best practices in higher education. Conducted within a culture of ethical practice and institutional integrity, university assessment and periodic evaluation allows for continuous improvement and self-monitoring. Transparency in releasing assessment results ensures accountability both internally and externally to all constituencies. Georgian Court University is committed to the practice of university assessment at all levels of its organization.
The university’s Institutional Effectiveness Plan and Guide (PDF file) outlines the processes and procedures for unit assessment and periodic evaluation. This plan was approved by the President’s Cabinet on January 23, 2018. This replaces the Institutional Effectiveness Plan of 2014. The Plan and Guide was updated in Fall 2024, and approved by the President’s Cabinet on October 1, 2024.
The Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Committee, appointed by the president, supports university assessment.
Policy Institutional Effectiveness Committee
Purpose: The Institutional Effectiveness Committee fulfills an advisory, monitoring, and coordinating role at Georgian Court University to develop a culture of planning and assessment to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness in the management of the university. The committee’s responsibilities include review of unit assessment plans, evaluation of annual unit assessment reports, oversight of the periodic unit review process, and advising the president on the integration of the above with the university’s strategic planning and MSCHE Standards of Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation. This committee provides a forum for best practices in university assessment and effectiveness and provides analysis of university-wide data to inform decision-making.
The responsibilities of the committee include:
- Oversight of the university’s compliance with MSCHE expectations of continuous assessment and evaluation of the areas denoted by this organization’s standards and requirements for accreditation;
- The oversight and review of the university’s unit assessment plans and reports, and assistance in periodic unit review;
- Providing a forum for best practices in university effectiveness and assessment as these align with continuous improvement practices and are benchmarked against peer institutions and professional organizations;
- Providing an Institutional Effectiveness Plan and Guide, assisting in its implementation and reviewing updates;
- Review of institutional level data, including but not limited to university-wide surveys, dashboard indicators for strategic planning, and reports to external constituents or agencies, and identifying issues that need to be brought to the attention of the President and/or the President’s Cabinet;
- Coordination of activities related to MSCHE accreditation, Institutional Research, updates on the Strategic Compass, and university effectiveness through unit assessment.
Membership: Members of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee are appointed by the president:
- assistant vice president for university assessment (chair);
- director of institutional research and decision support;
- dean of students;
- associate provost for academic program development;
- assistant vice president – Office of Finance;
- faculty member (appointed for a three-year term, renewable);
- institutional research assistant (committee secretary); and
- other members as appointed by the president.
Meetings: The Institutional Effectiveness Committee meets on a monthly schedule.
Members of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee for AY 2024-2025 include:
Membership: Members of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee are appointed by the president: (August, 2024) | |
Director of Institutional Research and Decision Support | Phillip Haynes |
Dean of Students | Sharmay Wood |
Assistant Vice President/Controller | Ms. Kristen Nagle |
Associate Provost for Academic Program Development | Michael Gross, Ph.D. |
Associate Vice President for University Assessment | Janet Thiel, OSF, Ph.D. (chair) |
Faculty member (appointed for a three-year term, renewable) | Melanie Mogavero, Ph.D. |
Other members as appointed by the President | Timothy Briles, Ed.D. |
Institutional Research Assistant (Committee Secretary) | Beth Hunt (Secretary) |
Meetings: The Institutional Effectiveness Committee meets on a monthly schedule |
Essential Functions:
- Oversee the university accreditation processes and procedures (MSCHE) that are aligned with the re-affirmation of accreditation.
- Maintain all university documentation related to accreditation, compliance, and unit effectiveness.
- Develop, coordinate, and report on the university’s unit evaluation processes and procedures.
- Develop, coordinate, and report on the university’s assessment of its institutional goals.
- Support the Institutional Effectiveness Committee in the execution of its duties.
- Coordinate the processes related to the university’s surveys on student satisfaction, institutional effectiveness, and program development.
- Collaborate with the provost for the development, oversight, recording, and reporting on undergraduate student learning through curricular and co-curricular program assessment.
- Collaborate with the provost for the development, oversight, recording, and reporting on graduate student learning through curricular and co-curricular program assessment.
- Collaborate with the provost for the training of faculty in assessment protocols, the dissemination of assessment and student survey results, and in strategic initiatives that require the use of data related to student satisfaction and achievement of learning outcomes.
- Assist the Academic Program Review and Assessment Committee (PRAC) in the processes of program evaluation and assessment planning as well as faculty ownership of assessment of student learning.
The associate vice president for university assessment (AVPUA) is a member of the president’s leadership team reporting directly to the president of the university for matters related to institutional effectiveness and assessment, and indirectly to the provost in matters of academic assessment. The AVPUA is responsible for the oversight of, support for, and development of university processes related to university assessment and accreditation requirements, and alignment of such with the university’s mission and strategic goals.
Office of Institutional Assessment and Accreditation Documents:
- Georgian Court University Self-Study for MSCHE Reaffirmation of Accreditation 2019 (PDF file)
- Georgian Court University Self-Study Executive Summary – 2019 (PDF file)
- Institutional Effectiveness Plan and Guide 2019 (PDF file)
- Unit Assessment Plan Survey Template (PDF file)
- Unit Assessment Report Survey Template (PDF file)
- Survey link for unit assessment plan (3-year cycle – due end of February)
- Annual Assessment Reports submitted on HelioCampus: due end of January
- Annual Unit Assessment Reports
- Assessment Plan for Student Learning
- Institutional Research Information Services: IRIS (on campus portal)
- Georgian Court Strategic Compass: 2018 (PDF file)
- Unit Review Template and Guide (PDF file)
- Unit Assessment Report (due end of January)
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Additional information may be obtained by e-mailing or calling the Office of Institutional Assessment and Accreditation at 732-987-2234.
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